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He is already there........

In my vibrational escrow, cool huh? :-) Ok so this entry will be wildly fun to write but I need you to stay with me, OK? Promise???;-) In my meditation journey I have come across a lady named Abraham Hicks.....she does videos and apparently has a large following, and she speaks to all things manifestation, meditation, and enlightenment etc....she is a motivational speaker and her stuff resonates with me each and every time.....making total sense when each of her messages come to find me, and I feel like they are tailor made for the journey I am currently on.....her words often describe the things I am feeling or on and off in my blog I lament about the finding of a will it work?......I worry about a relationship or him messing up my current flow I got going on, losing my freedom, etc etc, etc;-) yesterday morning I listened to one of her videos and it was like getting punched directly in the face, not in a bad way, but in a very clear way.....she said that what we want to manifest.....whether it be material things, careers, or relationships are in our vibrational escrow already......we are the creators......just a frequency away from us having it join us in our physical right? I thought so:) But there is in addition to us getting our vibration right, to attract what we have stored in our own "vortex" or created would be an impossibility for somebody like me at this moment in time.......having learned all I have in the last year and a half span of time, to attract a guy the I am fearing.......he isn't in my escrow??......he and I are not vibrating at the same frequency......the man that is hanging there waiting on me;-) Is in line with where I currently am.......believing what I do......understanding what I do......seeking what I seek.......all of it......and when we get our frequencies right and collide......I will know instantly that he is the one......there won't be doubt.......anxiety......fear......trepidation.....any of that......because all I am doing in my day to day these days is working toward that end......toward attracting what it is I every part of my life.......not repeating patterns........instead busting them up.....shattering longer having to live them:) And I just think all of that is so fascinating and fun to think of......hope you find it fascinating too....:) We always need to be careful with our thoughts......I have known that for a long time.....for instance if we get on a run of thinking we are struggling financially.....we don't have enough money etc....etc.....before we know it we are vibrating from a place of lack and that is exactly what is happening......we are experiencing what thought train that led us down that road.......we need to truly be more careful with our thinking......our thoughts, collect other thoughts......which collect other thoughts which then create our reality to a big degree.....and we want to make sure what we experience is in line with how we really feel.....what we really want......what we is powerful........and when you shift your I have spoken of many times......your power center shifts.......your power lies in your mind......every single time.....good or bad......and we have all gone down a rabbit hole......a negative jag......and it has made us feel our world is small and dark......when we expand our consciousness and expand our thoughts of what is possible.....what is possible shows up......I truly believe that.......that divine energy works in our lives and the free will we all possess gives us the power to steer our ship......and maximize our lives while we are is up to us to a big degree......maybe even bigger than we even think.......but each and every day we are filling our vortex.......our vibrational escrow account.......what are your thoughts filling yours with? Good question right?? I have been paying such close attention to my internal and external dialogue lately......catching myself if I think or speak something that is not in line with where I want to go......and it makes a huge difference.....for years I haven't used the word "problem". I use challenge......and it feels different.....and I am learning vibrates differently.....we love to admire our historians......lament.....etc.....but those things are the things we need to let go of.....they will not get us where we need to be.......we need to proceed as if it is if the life we seek is happening now......and if we can do that......really do that.....then there is no limit to the quality of life we can find......I truly believe that......:) Thanks for reading.....hope you stayed with me today, hung stuff to think spiritual journey these days is wildly exciting for me.....and I felt compelled to share this piece with YOU that came to find me:)

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