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Have I EVER dated???

Today is my date!! I am excited I cannot lie.....have been feeling a lot of energy around today in my intuitive spaces, and I feel like it will shift my life in some way......just not sure how yet;-) but it begged the question to me, have I EVER dated?? I don't think so? I have had long standing relationships all of my my boyfriend taking me to dinner during our relationship doesn't count as dating, I don't think.....I tend to have this spot in me that meets somebody, and gets instantly tied up, and feels loyal to them and only them.....skipping the dating and taking time the idea of dating a couple of a people at a time is cringeworthy to me truly....... I know it is a thing.....and maybe should be for some people but it isn't for me....that I I am not saying that after tonight I will become mystery man's girlfriend lol:), not even close, and especially now in my life...... but dating a bunch, I have never done......and I want to now.....I want to keep things low key and casual more for a bit, not getting swept up......just taking it easy.....going on some dates, and having some fun were supposed to go with their dad this weekend, and he got sick last minute with the stomach bug.....luckily before my kids were there yet, so my parents are stepping up so I can proceed with my date, which I am grateful for:)......I know quite a few people who serial go on lots of dates with lots of people.....and that makes me scratch my head......I don't really get it, I guess because of my operating system.....but I don't judge them and appreciate their openness to step out and try new people and things.......I haven't found many people, despite my time on dating sites, that I have felt I wanted to talk to, let alone meet in real I am not sure if that speaks more to me, and whether that is a good or bad thing.....but at this stage of my life.....discernment is everything.......and I am clear about the company I want to keep and what energy I want in my I am not jumping at any chance to have dinner.....however that sounds or comes off, it is honest;-) one of the things I love about tonight, and the possibility is that I am going in with no preconceived notions.....haven't read a profile.....haven't seen a picture......don't even know his name.....they will text first names two hours before our date......but yeah.....going in blind.....but not scary because of all the safety measures in place with the matchmaker service....but for somebody that has never really dated....... to be walking up to a table......... with a strange man sitting at it waiting for her, is kinda crazy lol:) It has been no secret that I have been resistant to dating for awhile....this entire time really.......and while it has been healthy and fine to be doing my thing for over two years, healing, growing, and learning to love is also a block in all of this that I have been actively trying to remove.....and today feels like a new the next mountain I am going to climb is the single mom dating one.....and figure out how to navigate all of lessons, new growth, new challenges, new adventures.....and I am here for it!!!! Thank you to everybody that has been so supportive of this little dating side venture, messaging me or sending me good vibes, and are excited to read the recap tomorrow am! It is fun to write and share my journey every day, and I truly appreciate every single person that has ever read my blog, and has taken the time to do that:) Stay tuned! I am so excited for tonight! Recap tomorrow morning;-)

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