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There is something about a new year......I think it is the same way I feel about a new school a clean slate has appeared......ready for all that we write on it.....and maybe some things that are different than before.....I think many folks were happy to see 2021 leave.....hoping to leave behind the challenges it brought into all of our lives.....and the notion of a new year is exciting for many.....a new road for us to travel down......I was thinking of resolutions this morning and how kinda silly they are......I used to believe in them....thinking that they carried some kind of magic or weight.....but really they are just intentions......intentions we set into the Universe and in most cases don't follow through on.....I think it is more powerful to sort of be mindful of our lives.....and maybe just decide that we want to bring in more good stuff in....more stuff that is good for our soul......stuff that is good for our hearts......our mindset.....and let the stuff that isn't instead of in the new year I am going to the gym.....maybe just say yeah I am going to be intentional about exercising every day, however I can......or I want to save a ton of money.....maybe just save some each day......I have learned that when intention gets set into our days....and consistent action gets placed on anything, the rest grows alongside of it:) Kinda magical.......I know I will exercise for the rest of my life......not worried about my habit going by the wayside because it is cemented in......nearly 365 days worth......but more importantly than the brain understands its value.....and until that happens for us with the things we set out to do, it won't stick.......we all know what is good for us......we do......but yet sometimes we struggle to do those things......I know for me I am setting an intention for more healthy eating goals around my and I have been sort of willy nilly this year to some degree.....which has its place but I am setting an intention for some goals in that area......starting small and growing from there.......and ultimately I don't think any of us need resolutions.....what we need is a willingness to be authentic and intentional about our lives, every single what is real for us.....what is from our hearts.....and keep doing that on repeat......asking ourselves deeply, WHAT DO I WANT??? Then doing that......sometimes the answer to that question is not easy......sometimes we don't know......other times the answer comes clearly.......meditation I have found opens that door......helps me hear myself more deeply......and more able to answer that question........and what I want is to live my life in a way that makes me feel deeply satisfied.......that honors the gift that it is......the adventure we are all on.......the magic we get to experience when we look for things in my day to day that make me feel joy.....make me hear that inner voice that says "yeah that is it"........that is what I want to I am not setting resolutions for 2022, but I am continuing to be intentional in my life......about what comes in and what needs to go........each and every day....letting my heart guide me on what those things are.......2022 I am so glad you are here.......can't wait to see the gifts you have come bearing:)

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