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Hang ups.......

We all have them right? Places where we get hung up in life, and things we are hung up on about ourselves and our appearance, all of it.......I am guessing it would be challenging to find one human on the earth that doesn't have any.....and on my journey of self love and self acceptance I have tried to challenge mine......trying to blast through them for good.....once and for all making peace with myself, and my body, and it isn't easy.....and even though I feel so much more confident in my body these days due to the exercise I do every day, and the ways I care for myself........I still have old voices in my head challenging that new found confidence often......and as an aside I don't think if you exercise you should have to have any cellulite.....just sayin;-) like you should get an exemption or something right ladies lol:) but the fact is ladies 80-90 percent of women have it..... Staggering right?? And exercise and fitness won't obliterate it fully, but it will indeed help:) a lot!! So we are in this together...... as women I think the message we need to start internalizing is that we should be loving our bodies in all their forms......after babies.....right after..... in that state between pregnancy and getting into our old jeans.....our bodies under pressure.....when maybe we haven't been taking such good care of it....and have put on a few pounds......and in the times we are taking really great care of it......and in all the bodies in between........I have spoken many times about my motivation and driving force for the self care, and exercise I have stuck with for 2.5 years.....and for me the payoff is more in the way I feel than how I look.......but definitely feeling more confident in my body is a driving force.....I say it all the time....once you live in a healthy body, you don't want to give it back:) I plan on doing all I can to maintain the health I have found all of my days.......but even with how far I have come, I have hang ups......old voices that come to crash the party ;-) and I am learning to challenge that inner critic......shutting her down.....challenging her "supposed wisdom"......not letting it diminish my good feelings, and working on writing a new narrative......and it takes takes work to change the tone of the inner critic, to one of an inner cheerleader.....and as women I think we need to ban together to help one another overcome those negative self statements we all make about ourselves, that seek to diminish our worth and value in this life.....and celebrate the beauty of being a woman in all of our forms......I am working diligently to make peace with all of me, and be an example for my daughter to not criticize herself.....hoping perhaps she can skip that part of life and just find celebration in herself fully.....I am hoping:) the beach is a place where all of our woman insecurities run free....and if you look around...... there are so many people....... in so many forms, and it all doesn't matter......I truly believe that people should have the right to revel in themselves no matter matter what size.......and own their unique selves, and do whatever they need to to feel comfortable.....I also believe we need to stop judging women for what they wear......and if they are feeling themselves, and dressing confidently for themselves, not gossiping about that.......I have seen so many women put others down for wearing or feeling a way that they don't think they should?? And that notion and judgement comes from a place in those women that doesn't feel confident, so they think nobody else should???.....we need to live and let live......and support each other......people should be able to wear, and live in a way that makes them feel comfortable and confident.......whatever that looks like......and be left alone to do so......our inner dialogue is hard enough to overcome, we should not be adding to that in other women by judging them.....self confidence and self love is a battle, a daily battle, and a mission worth embarking on.....but it ain't takes takes takes takes takes all of it.....but achieving a space where we can love ourselves....flaws and all, is powerful.......when you choose you and choose to take care of you, fear and anxiety fall away......because you are saying that you are on your own side.....that no matter what you have your own back.....and that has been a game changer for me......I worked hard on this beach trip to bat my inner critic down....and celebrate where I am now, and celebrate the gift of feeling more confident in a swimsuit:)......and it felt good to intentionally shut that down......and flip the script.......hang ups ladies......we all have them.....not one of us is immune.....but let's celebrate each other more often.....more intentionally......and help one another lay those hang ups down......laying them to rest once and for all in ourselves and in each other:)

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