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Gushing over my Gabe, GO Gabe GO!......

I remember very vividly realizing in the NICU when I had Gabe, that his journey would be unique.....not typical in any way.....and at that time, all I knew for sure was that I had had a premature baby, weighing a whopping 2lbs 10 ounces.......but in my mama heart, and deeply in my intuition, I knew it was more than that.....and at the time I got all of the reassurances of the "normal" life he could live.....or what challenges may arise due to his prematurity....and I mourned the losses for him, and set my intentions on accomplishing all we could for him to have the best life matter what came our way.....which ended up being a subsequent Williams Syndrome diagnosis......but it turns out..... all of that herculean effort.....fretting over the unknown......grief stricken moments for my tiny boy....were in vain.....and completely unnecessary.....the life that God has led us to for Gabe, and the life he has created for himself, is one beyond any dream I could have had for him:)....and I mean that deeply......he is living his BEST life every day....and having such a rich life, full of such love, and support, and light, and as I sit here and type this.....the gratitude is overwhelming......he is currently sleeping at the church at a teen it up.....being where his people are......doing the things teens do......being a part of it all.....during his week, he lifts with the football players......or practices baseball with the baseball team......or the basketball players.....or maybe does a little skiing.....or he meets new people at all of his job trials around town.....learning new skills....socializing endlessly, and he texts his friends.....does teen stuff.....even recently arguing with me about wearing shorts when it is 20 degrees out lol:) Who saw that coming;-) .......and for me it is a the futility of isn't worth a thing.....not even a little bit.....fretting and worrying changes only diminishes your joy in the has a way of unfolding....and my Gabe has taught me of my greatest teachers....and watching his life unfold so beautifully, is a testament to it all:) My heart is full for my special and sweet boy. Go Gabe GO, your mama and little sis are cheering you on, and here for you every step of the way:)

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