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Following good feelings........

That is what I am doing these days.......simple right.....there is a manifestation meditation I do that says that is one of the things that help us know if we are on the right track......and it resonated deeply with me.......just like the training like a warrior thing did during my divorce;-) So yeah......I know when I am on the right track based on how I feel......and if something feels good, lights me up, brings me peace and joy, then it is for me......if I start to feel bad, I know I need to step back........and you may be reading this and think duh Jenn of course......but it hasn't been that simple for me......or maybe for lots of folks......who tend to people please or put others above themselves.......they put up with all sorts of feelings in the name of lots of things......and I am just starting to understand the power of saying no more in my life.......of honoring my journey every step and not sacrificing myself anymore......for anything that isn't in alignment with where I want to go.....I just won't do that anymore.....for anybody or anything.......I want to remind you if you are reading this to do the same......that if something makes you feel stuck and unhappy, no matter how noble, it is not for is not to say we cannot work with the lessons we are given to grow.......I often feel I stayed too long in my marriage......wishing I had jumped sooner on my own terms......allowing for more years to live this life I have found.......but just as quickly as that thought comes it is replaced with the timing and my working with the lessons I was given when I was up against it......fighting......going to the name of a noble cause.......and it had to be the way it was.......for me to be here......and perhaps if I had jumped sooner I would not have found this path......or maybe not at all......but now that I know better in my life......I am most certainly going to do more following bad feelings anywhere?? Just not gonna do it;-) Don't have to.........I think of my daughter and wonder how this will impact her as she grows into a woman and choosing men......and what gets her time and energy......and I pray it won't negatively impact that.......I want her to understand what I never did all those skip the part where she believes all I did in the name of it possible to have our children learn through us and not learn on their own fully.....the short answer is no but it is possible to live in a way that teaches by example and perhaps eliminates some of those stumbling blocks we ourselves stumbled on.....but what I can help her with is discovering her own worth.....her own understanding of herself and that she doesn't need to put up with anything that doesn't serve her highest good.....she is already more self assured and confident than I ever was at her age or well beyond.....willing to tell friends if they hurt her in the moment......willing to speak up when injustice is being handed out......willing to be diplomatic and kind but she has a much better start as she navigates being a woman in this world someday and what it maybe it will be as simple as me instilling in her to follow her good feelings, letting her know that the way she is feeling is indicative of whether it is meant for her or not......telling her often, my sweet girl follow those good feelings and they will never steer you wrong! What is meant for you ignites the light in your heart and soul.....never settle for less ♥️

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