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Waiting on MY person......

So Gabe has Covid.....and I suppose I am in for an extended time off, in not the ways I had hoped....He is pretty much only congested and I am grateful for that....but I do not want to write and lament about any of that today....I am choosing a much more light filled and fun topic to explore today based on a movie I saw last night.....;-) It was a Netflix original...."Love at First Sight".....and truthfully it was not super special, maybe a bit cheesy, odd characters and decent acting....but there were moments of brilliance and moments that touched me deeply....and reminded me that I am looking for "MY person".....holding out for the real deal this time.....and I think what touched me most was not the main love story line...although that was a lovely story too.....but what touched me more deeply was a part in the story where the male counterpart of the story is attending a living memorial for his mother....she is dying of lung cancer and has thrown this magnificent Shakesperean themed party....wanting to be a part of her memorial before she is gone...and the love that is shared between she and her husband was just magic.....the actor and actress that portrayed them did a brilliant job of conveying what real love and devotion looks like....conveying its depth and precious nature........and the portrayal of their love in the face of such circumstances and of him realizing he is losing her.....the love of his life.....was just palpable, and emotional and well done......and it made me emotional if I am honest......because I indeed have felt that for another human....but I am not sure I have ever been loved like that in return, not really or for as long as I have loved the other.....not yet.....having that kind of love be yet to be realized in my needing to experience broken love to land my favorite leather chair....typing my blog and walking my new path......however broken love is not what I aspire to......not ever again.....not in this chapter.....and watching one of the scenes made me realize that deeply........I loved the entire movie.....and loved how captivating it all was in terms of love.....and the promise that it holds, when it is done well and right......and it strengthened my resolve to hold out for be sure that that is the love I am signing up for......being loved in return the way I love......I am a sucker for love, can't help that, always have been and likely always will be ;-) and the story was beautiful and reminding me of serendipitous means....which I also believe.....the universal and divine symphony we have playing in the background of our lives.....the timing and the dance forever leading us to where we is a fun movie.....uplifting some, and sweet if you are looking for a good one....I won't spoil any more of it;-) I just had to share that one part that touched me so deeply.....and it also made me feel so happy for the people in this life that have found that kind of love in their lives....the forever kind......and realizing how rare it is in this day and age....but knowing with my whole heart it exists....and that the journey to MY person will forever be worth it.....however that ends up shaking out.....however long it takes......and feeling like patience in waiting for THAT kind of love is worth it.....As for today it is another day off, taking care of my boy....and hoping Mads and I are not sure where this week will lead.....deeply breathing....and leaning back....and surrendering to what is....all of it;-) Happy Tuesday y'all:)

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