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Feeling fortunate........

I started the mortgage refi process I am able to buy him out......the interest rates are climbing every second, so it was best to jump on felt really good to have all my ducks in a row, and be able to obtain the mortgage on my own......we had had debt a few years back after my maternity leave with Madeline. I didn't get paid for a good portion of it......another unfair thing in the world that needs to be changed;-) but I I am so so grateful I had the foresight to consolidate that.......because I am now debt free with the exception of normal stuff car etc......and able to move forward on my own.....the payment will increase due to the current climate, and I won't be able to accomplish the kitchen renovation I had hoped due to the circumstances......but am hopeful I will find a way.....I always do......but yet I feel so flipping fortunate.......early on I wrote a blog musing about what would have happened if I had been a stay at home mom in this story, and how different my life would have been???????.....and certainly my journey.......and man is that the truth........I feel so grateful often......that I make my own money.......have a pretty decent salary at this able to care for my kids well alongside of his child support.......and is all so so fortunate......because what would I do? the current housing market, if that were not the case? Be forced to sell......but then what? Go pay 2,000 a month for rent?????? Or have to live with relatives.......kind of crazy and scary to think of......yet many women find themselves in that spot each and every single day..............I will teach my daughter, and really be conscious and mindful of letting her know, that she should pick a career path that lights her soul......but one that also helps sustain her on her matter what........and to have a pre nuptial agreement too;-) a must it seems......who knew?? I didn't expect to feel so deeply about the reality of owning this house on my own and what it means means stability for my means means we are where we need to be as the pieces are falling right into place effortlessly, and all the things I need to make this happen are stepping into my path.......I am getting a dumpster here this weekend to start the purge.....and have never been so excited for anything in my life LOL;-) So the loose ends of my journey this year are wrapping up......coming to a resolution.....and despite its unfairness in terms of the courts......and the law......I am still over the moon grateful, and feel so fortunate that all these things have fallen into place.....even actions I took years ago that needed to happen......were meant to bring me here.......and make this possible on my when that goes through that will be a great feeling too.....both the house and the divorce are a matter of signing on the dotted line......and I am so ready to sign both.......:) And move on in literally every single way......:)

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