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Feeding and starving.......

I put a video out there for my business discussing some of this yesterday and I thought I would write about it too.....because I sort of thought about something in a simple that made some sense to me and may to you too...I have talked a lot in my blog and otherwise about the power of putting consistent commitment toward something and watching it flourish.....the power in that is endless......and if something is not growing in our lives that we want, we need to ask if we are putting in that effort and that consistent time and energy toward it to grow it right? BUT I did not really think of the opposite side of that coin.....the power of starving those things in our life that we DON'T WANT.......when we turn our attention away from something doesn't it wither and die.......if I turned my daily attention away from my plants on my deck eventually they would we have the same power IF we can fully turn off our attention, or the food supply to the stuff we don't want in our lives anymore......I found it super interesting to think of for some reason......I guess due to how really basic it is......not complicated......feed what you want.....starve what you don't....and do that on repeat daily and watch more of the good stuff grow........I was talking about habit stacking with somebody the other day......a person a little bit ago used that term and it caught my attention in a big way, had never heard of it before.....and it is a phenomena that has happened to placing one strong really healthy habit in my life, others have followed......stacking themselves on top of one another to gain momentum and strength......I think of my workout a year and a half ago when it began fully, and it resembles not much of what I do grew and the ways it needed to.......because the truth is if we set out to lose weight, become fit, do hard workouts, etc etc......we set ourselves up to fail? But we want the quick results, ones that happen overnight? Human nature right? Then we try for a bit and fall off, because we start too fast, out of our fitness level or capability at the moment......setting unrealistic goals too soon.....but I think because my workout routine wasn't born of a physical goal......I didn't want to lose weight......I didn't want to get fit initially.......I just wanted to feel better I didn't have to start off gangbusters......had no goal......just the goal of doing it help release the emotional muck that had taken me over......and then by accident I found some of mind.....and much more......organically and by accident??? So to that end what if we all just decide to add a healthy thing into our day......then do it again.....and again.....and again.....and watch it collect other healthy things.....till our day is full of such good stuff? Have seen that said before and it never resonated like it does now.....I get it.......instead of trying to figure it all out.....overwhelming us.......just do one thing.....and then again.....and goal, just the goal of feeling better.......the goal of adding some healthy habits in......I am working toward doing that more with my diet now......I do intermittent fasting which gives me leeway that doesn't always yield the best food choices lol;-) So I am going to take this principle, the slow and steady one to get to where I want to be with healthy eating! I guess this all resembles a snowman snowball in my head......starts tiny and as you roll it over and over it gets bigger and bigger and really becomes something.......:) Feeding and starving the good and the not so good on repeat:)

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