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Fear and Fuel...........

Fear is the biggest liar there is in this life......especially now amid the unsettled world we live in.....and it is so tempting, at any turn to step into it and let it wash over you........but it has been a theme I have been working through since this all began.....I have always had some level of anxiety or fear based sorta stuff in my life journey......however it also always rides along with my deep knowledge that what is meant to be will it becomes this weird dance......between my faith and my fear......lots of my fear and anxiety left when he did......which was a relief considering the awesome responsibility I have been left with......but the last few months I have been actively working through fear stuff to not let it be a part of my life.......and the key to it is to face it......head on.......ask yourself.....What am I really afraid of? And in doing that you get to the deeper parts of you and flip it on its head......and release any fear that is holding you back.......I mean if we all were truly not afraid of anything our potential would be unlimited.......One of my goals in this life is to conquer fear, not let it have any say in my life at break its chains and have it have no hold at all.....and these days I feel closer than I ever have been to doing just that.......because fear is a just is.....99 percent of what we fear and fret about, just isn't so......what a waste of our precious lives??????......and along those lines I am using my journey.....and my commitment to fuel.......I have found a way to take all the pain and suffering......all the cheap shots that have come my way and catch them, and transmute them, and use them to make my life better.....I was speaking to my therapist who was sharing that in martial arts he was able to flip a 250 pound man......even though he himself was much smaller.......and he used the energy the other man had coming at transform it and flip the guy on his talking to him and about resonated with me......I feel like I have done the same.....taken the Goliath amount of stuff that has come my way......and used its energy and strength to fuel my journey beyond this part of my use it as rocket motivation to just keep rising above all the garbage......all the headache......all of it.....and keep getting truer and more authentic each and every time......stronger.......and it is likely the best motivation I have ever had to transform my life......irony is thick on that one......but fuel and fear are both catalysts in me, challenging me.....driving me.......helping me......move past it all......and find the life I am meant to is out there......I can feel it:)......and I am so excited and ready.....and enjoying my life in the now so much as I travel to what is next! :)

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