My business has been getting busy and I have been loving working with all of the new people that have come my way......and I have some additional ideas moving forward that I am hoping will translate in the way I see them unfolding:) I sort of wait for an idea to percolate some before I bring it forth.....and unfortunately sometimes ideas stay in the brewing phase, and never get poured lol:) And I am working on pushing past the stuff that holds me back from executing some of my plans my plans....... alongside getting a couple more new clients going, is to do a Four week to Fitness zoom......I did a four part session before that was successful, and would like to try it again in April.....and then my big plan is to have a year long series, once a month......... to have a group of women band together to work on all coaching type topics, build a community, and evolve over time......having a point of contact and connection for a longer span......I am thinking for that one to have it in person.....the first Monday of the month......and have topics to expand upon each month......and seek to run it for a now comes the challenge for me.....the flyer and advertising part lol:) I am not techy and have a Canva gal.....but I was wondering too if I can use that is the next step, is to get the material crafted and created and put it out into the world and see who it speaks to.....I am always certain it will speak to who it is meant those are some of the things I have in my mind currently......I have some others still in early percolation phase;-) But I am jumping on these other ones and seeing where they lead.....Coaching doesn't ever feel like work, it is such an enriching part of my life, and brings me total joy to see people winning in their lives and getting the opportunity to work with is my favorite. I really like the clients I am working with now, and I am enjoying seeing where their journey leads! Exciting things ahead as the spring takes hold......and I caught some of that moon this morning! It was absolutely magnificent! Happy Friday:)
Exciting spring coaching stuff ahead! ......