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Consistency is Queen! .....

I know the saying is fear.....that "everything we want is on the other side of fear"......and I agree that is true too.....but so is consistency......our success.....or our happiness in this life......our fulfillment.....our peace......resides in our daily habits.....the stuff we do over and over matter what......and when we get consistent and intentional about the things we do it changes everything.......that consistency paves the path to really anywhere we want to go.....if we show up over and over things are bound to going to a gym and practicing shooting baskets, if you do it enough things will change, and your basketball ability with is how I feel about so much of my life now.....setting intention, focus......and marrying it all with consistency has helped me achieve so much of what I have commitment to fitness has changed my life....not only has it helped me feel comfortable in my own skin for the first time......but it makes me feel so healthy.....and helps give me the energy I need to tackle my life and all that comes......I need to thank that author, of the first divorce book I read, that said when you are going through this to "train like a warrior, because it is a marathon, not a sprint"......truer words indeed have never been spoken......and something about those words touched my heart.....made me believe her......listen to I started doing that......and you know what it has sustained me.......I am over a year in......and going strong in the fight of it all......not feeling any quit or battle fatigue setting in......and I credit it with being consistent in training my body and mind to and music keeping my mind strong.......and exercise and running keeping my body strong.....and in turn it all nourishes my soul.......and helps me find peace amid the storms.......I would truly challenge everybody to pick one thing that nourishes them, truly nourishes them and then do it EVERY single day.....NO MATTER WHAT.......that is it......and watch their whole lives change......I mean it.......if you are reading this and decide to do it, I would love to have you reach out and share your success with me and hear about it:) Truly:). What we focus on I have pockets of my life beyond exercise that I focus heavily on and they are growing too.....and I have a few other ones I am working on:) and it doesn't need to add to the busyness of life, it can just be carefully planned and scheduled in like all the rest of what we schedule into life and then put it on repeat......and watch the benefits roll out......I wish I had known it sooner.....I wish I had known to give to myself in my marriage the way I am would have changed so much I suppose......but I just didn't know......didn't know the true power in showing up for me over and over....had definitely had glimpses and moments....but never really understood it.....not like I do now......I want to share it, because I don't want anybody to learn this beautiful lesson the hard way.....just take my word for it, and trust me! Consistency is KING......or maybe QUEEN;-)

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