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Everything is always working out.......

Kendall and I chatted a bunch during the ride this was about a 5 1/2 hour ride....and our friendship is so unlikely really in some ways....she turns 30 this month and I will be 48, and you would think our stuff in common would be minimal....but that just isn't so....we have so much in common despite our age....and we get each other fully....and she is at a tough age in her life, where we were all trying to figure it out at that age....and she is on her own.... and none of it is easy.......although she just met somebody that seems as if it may be something really beautiful for she and Aub, and I am so excited for happened in a very "meant to be" way.....and we talked about so much stuff like that.....our lives to this point.....the twists and turns....the time fate and destiny stepped in.....the ways in which we ended up as single moms....doing the things....both in totally different ways....but sharing such a common thread....and I am able to share some of my old lady wisdom with her lol:) And she reminds me of my younger years some....and she has such depth and wisdom to share too.....she is so astute and on point with so much......and I think chatting with her so much, was a further reminder to me that everything is always working out....I believe that so deeply.....even when it doesn't seem like it.....even if everything falls apart....even then....maybe especially then.....and I was telling her about some stuff in my life, and my rock solid trust in what happens....releasing attachment to stuff in a way that makes me freer.....letting doors open and close, and just rolling along.....not allowing a closed door to cause me to crumble, or rattle by belief in all of it.....looking for the lessons, and taking them with me...and it is so damn freeing....I cannot express that know that the things that will come into my life, will have never have the power to impact me, like the end of my marriage did.....never again......I have a toolbox full of resources to move on, and do my stuff without carnage left in the aftermath of losing anything.....and that makes my heart feel so peaceful....... this weekend also being a case in point.....the place I ended up picking for us was so close to that trail we ended up hiking....a recommendation by the hotel owner....the Ice Castle was 10 minutes from the place....and the fact that we had late tickets allowed for the time to have an additional adventure and hike....otherwise we would have waited around for the Ice Castle and wasted the day! And as luck would have it on our way home from the Ice Castle it was nearing midnight, and the girls and Gabe were exhausted...and I was going a little over the speed limit on the road where our motel was a string of motels....very much a tourist spot and I got pulled over.....I am guessing my out of state plate, the late hour attracted attention, as well as going over the speed limit....and he also had back up waiting down the road....Yikes lol.......but he was lovely, and once he saw us he was so friendly....he said I am guessing you are coming back from the Ice Castle, did you guys have a good time, and we said yes!....He ran my license....and then came back and told us to have a good night:).....getting it all without my saying a word....and it was another relief and nod to it all working this morning I am exhausted but so heart being so full from filling my tank this weekend with magic....and I am excited about meeting the women of my series tonight on Zoom and seeing how that all works out too:) Happy Monday y'all:)

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