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Every moment.......

I have been writing a lot in the new year about the new feeling I am feeling in my life and along my way in this story......and I talk about trusting the journey....often.....and paying attention to what is happening to me, and around me in a way I never did before.....and I saw a meme that summed it up some in a way that made sense the other day.....talking about how nothing is insignificant in our day.....nothing.....a conversation.....a traffic jam.....a random chat with a stranger in the grocery store......ALL OF IT.....and I have written about it before, and feel it so deeply.....SO deeply....and particularly these is as if we all live in stories.....and characters step fulfill their roles in our lives....or offer the wisdom or messages they are meant to.....and our job.....I believe is to PAY ATTENTION....I mean really pay attention.......I guess I mean, that I feel as if "our life is speaking to us"........every single day....and as long as we stand in our truth.....follow our intuition, and remain true to who we want to be in our story....then.......there are no failures or mistakes....which I don't believe in anymore anyway....I have never lived in regret.....or looked back and thought "if only"......but now I know that that is futile, and a waste of time and energy.....I know I have written before about wondering if I had released my marriage earlier.....regretting some of the time and effort I put in.....but that isn't in a real happened exactly as it should have.....needed to....and I know that as deeply as anything else..........however what I do think can happen for folks....and I have seen it happen in some people's fighting their true selves....and staying in places that are not them or places that no longer resonate, and while I still don't think it is a mistake....I think it is a delay in what is really meant for getting caught in a skipping record loop.....or choosing to indulge a lower version of themselves, and remaining stuck.....and as this is all unraveling in my mind this morning lol:) I think it is why I feel so passionate about helping people, specifically other women......helping them free themselves from the noise and the chatter that consumes their day to day as mothers, wives, and all of the other roles they are to all of the people around them.....and help them deeply hear their own inner voice.....their own intuition.......I quieted my voice for a long time....there was a voice that was rising up in me for years, wondering if the marriage I was in was the right one for me....or if it was the way it should be.....or if so many things.....and I shoved that voice down for the greater good....and now I believe that was part of the process that needed to happen for me ....and I want to help other women not do that.....not stifle that wise voice within.....connect to their soul, and get out of their head, and the duties that weigh them down.....begin to pay attention to the moments, all of them.....even the small ones, that can lead them to exactly where they need to be....where they are meant to be....and I love that lights me up free people from their cages like I feel I allow them to fly free in their own lives:) Magic! So if you are reading this....just pay attention to your day maybe a little more.....see what is speaking to you, or see ALL the things that are speaking to you:) And if you want to work on connecting to your goals and bliss, reach out I can help! Have a great day!

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