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Enough is a decision not an amount.......and gosh if that is not true.......when we reach the enough place it makes things so much easier......the rest takes care of itself.....I have been writing about, and wrestling with a decision.....and having ENOUGH arrive yesterday morning made all the wrestling stop.....clarity arrived and now I know clearly how I must proceed......and enough is different for everybody.....where their threshold is for the enough threshold seems to be longer than most......and that is OK.....I normally have to exhaust all other options, and attempts before I can surrender to the enough place.....and that is where I am right now......I have tried all of the things I could think of to make this situation work, and the reality is none of those things can impact it due to so many other factors that are well beyond my this way is the ONLY way......and when I reached that moment of became clear that I cannot do "this" as it stands not one more minute.....not one......I am done.....I can rest easy in the fact that I have done my part, and others have reinforced that truth too.....but sometimes enough is just is.......but here is the thing....I was seeking clarity...waiting for the quiet of the weekend to take hold to help me feel as if I could impart better discernment to it all...and I didn't even get quite that far.....I had meditated some in the morning.....but the moment I needed arrived quite on its own.....showing me so clearly what I need to do......beautiful clarity arriving so clearly......and so I will.....and now I feel so much lighter.....laying down the burden.....and trusting the the rest of yesterday I was light as a feather.....went to tj for a little, and then grabbed dinner with some lovely ladies.....and had so much was great....and just what I needed after this harrowing today I am planning on cleaning, getting groceries in the prepping, and mowing the lawn......I had to go grab Gabe from his dad's house last night, so he is home with his mama now.....and I am going to spend the day being productive in the ways I need to be.....I am also planning on meeting up with my kitchen guy for the final go round :) Happy Sunday! And cheers to ENOUGH:)

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