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Energy we absorb........

This is a little bit deeper of an entry.....hope you find it as interesting and valuable as I have: So in this process I have learned a lot about many things I didn't think I would......infidelity.....divorce.....custody......being a single mama and the list goes on and on....but one thing that I have been learning a lot about, and am enjoying immensely is the learning about me and the things I like to do, and that make me feel good. In that process I came across a whole thing on energetic health that I found really fascinating, so I thought I would share......we all know that other people's energy has an affect on we feel......what we carry in the day to day....and we all prefer to be around people that have great energy.....people with whom you feel better after having been around them....... not worse.......and in looking back I think I was absorbing some toxic energy for sure in the end of my marriage, and maybe at other points too.......and in turn it was making my energy match it in ways I didn't like...... and it was impacting me in every single a negative way.....and now in the absence I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER......physically......spiritually.....mentally......all of in really diving into what it means to be "energetically healthy"......I came upon a treasure trove, or rabbit hole of information LOL:) We normally think of our health encompassing our physical health and our mental health, and maybe for some of us our spiritual health.....but our energetic health I believe is just as important....what we put out and what we carry with us.....and we all know that person in our lives that is super negative, spouting negative stuff all the time and when we leave them we feel down or depleted in some way......and we have to be conscious of carrying others energy with us because it can affect the rest of our day or bleed into our interactions with in my reading I learned a few ways you can clear energy you've attached you have either picked up recently or maybe been carrying all your life......yes we can carry energy blocks from our childhood and beyond into our day to day for years kinda crazy right? And least to me;-). So the top two suggestions was to move your body! That is right....... exercise, yoga, some kind of physical activity.....our bodies need it........crave it........because that moves any stuck energy around and frees us of it! Found that interesting and validating in terms of why I am feeling so much better and able to rid myself of any toxic energy thrown in my direction......the other one was to connect with nature.....ocean.....woods......anywhere that has its own energy and can ground you and bring you back......which again I felt very I have felt the power of such a thing lately myself very strongly......and I found it interesting that my body found its way to two of the ways that I desperately needed to feel better in this walk on its own.....and I think it is because I found a way to finally listen to my inner soul.....and tap into its power to heal......I believe we inherently know what we need to do to heal ourselves, but our brains are a noisy place......a place where all that wisdom gets drown out in the day to day.....and when we go within......or are open to hearing what our intuition is telling us.....or nudging us to do, it becomes more clear......and we can move beyond whatever obstacle we I felt like I wanted to share this......maybe it will make you think of the energy you give......or the energy you receive, or about energy at all....... and find ways to release the energy that doesn't serve your greater good so you can move through your journey in a happier and more peaceful way:).

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