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Energetic shifts........

I have always been fascinated by astrology......I find the notion that the way the planets were aligned the moment you were born, charting your path in this life to be such an exciting one... It is as if the universe and all those planets are welcoming each and everyone of our lives are as valued as we should view them to be.....and what I have learned is that astrology is keenly aware of each planet in each section of us and the impacts it makes on who we are as people....each planet carrying the sections of our they keep spinning round and round.....carrying the challenges and blessings that come to find us in this is kind of amazing and accurate....I have a friend who is very skilled at astrology and she is actually starting a career in it soon, and she and I connected early on this past year and I have learned a ton from her.....such a blessing to me.....and have consulted with her as things have unfolded and have confirmed the shifts and things that were coming to me by way of the shifts and occurrences that occur within my chart...and I do not find astrology to be separate of my faith in God or my faith in general....I suppose my spirituality is all limits......and perhaps I view that planetary God's map for each of us? Like he charts our paths in this life and we see it through.....kind of interesting for me to think of......but my point I guess in all of to not sound hokey;-) but to share that this too has been more of what I am learning and I have been able to feel the planetary shifts as my journey has unfolded.....both positively and negatively......and have been able to confirm those feelings I was having with my friend when I check in with her.....and the shifts also bring about the opportunities that unfold in my at the moment I am feeling like I have many opportunities opening up in all directions in my life......and I checked in with my friend and she confirmed that and said she took a peek at my chart, seeing lots of energetic shifts, and is really excited for me, and will get back with more specifics this week:) So it makes me wonder this......all my life.....all of this stuff came into my life based on the chart of my life and I did not feel it in the way I do now.....but yet it happened.....and happens for each of us........and I wonder if the awareness of the energy maximizes its a tuning fork......if we can feel the energy, can we use it in a more meaningful way.....when she had done my chart she clearly saw the time in my life when my sister passed.....she knew how old I was and saw the planetary shift responsible for bringing that challenge into my life.....she saw the end of my marriage in exactly the time it did and I could go on and on.....I am sure some will read this and feel skeptical....and I don't blame seems hard to believe I suppose.....but not so much for me anymore.....I guess for me the more I am learning I am seeing the deep connection of all the things in this life....and that none of it is separate.....all intertwined.....the of it......and the notion that your chart centers around the time you were at that exact moment all things were aligned to chart your life path....saying "Hello and welcome to this life" is your very charming a notion to me......and lets me know how powerful we are as affect one another and use our talents and gifts to impact those around us.....and make our life a meaningful I will continue to look to the stars......and feel their power in my life.....and know that the power of universe is vast and mysterious......and wonderful......and is supporting all of us each and every day......:)

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