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Energetic Equilibrium.....

You cannot expect YOU from other people.....that is true.......was just having that conversation with somebody the other is an unfair expect the people around you to behave as you would in any given situation, or really behave any way at all.....expectation is the root of all the things that lead to disappointment and upset......trying as hard as we can to surrender our expectations leads to happier outcomes......having said all of that though.....I believe that the people in your life.....the ones that are meant to stay, should give as equally to you, as you give to them......that there should be energetic equilibrium......a symbiotic dance between those close to you, a giving and receiving that is equal......or as close as it can be......especially those that love us....and giving our energy to a person, in a one sided way.....without the equilibrium part leaves its mark......and drains us......or leads to hurt some instances we need to give heavily to another.....and perhaps expect nothing in return.....but in our day to day stuff I believe those we love and care for, and friendships and relationships that work, are because they are energetically aligned......I have come to learn that when I am giving more of myself to somebody, and not getting much in return, it is my cue to step back.....reevaluate the reasons for that.....and the truth is people's interest in us is reflected in the energy they give the time they carve out, the places in our lives where they meet us.....and if that just keeps being a missing piece then there it is......that energy transfer has become a barometer for me in the relationships I keep, or have kept since this all began.....noticing clearly the people that show up, and give to me as I give to them....and I suppose it will forever remain that north star for me.....because too busy isn't just isn't........we all make time for the things that matter in our matter what......and juggle things around to accommodate those that matter to I suppose my point in all of this is just to acknowledge the energy I receive back in my life from people.....and the knowledge that it is important for us all to pay attention to that......I feel grateful for the energetic transfer found there.....and I notice the spots where the scales feel tipped.....and maybe need some reevaluation........and it is a fine line.....between expecting ourselves from others......or holding expectations.....versus what we tolerate in our lives.....or decide is enough......and maybe in situations where that balance occurs, the absence of questioning it is our answer?? Maybe?? I know that I give of myself more than most.....trying my best to think of others and what they may need.....checking in on friends and loved ones as much as I am able......and I enjoy and appreciate those people in my life that seek to do the same for me:) the smallest gesture between humans matters.......and those are the things and the moments we should remember to shower upon our people:)

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