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End means a final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story. Or to come or bring to a final point; finish. And in my life endings of things......and the change they bring, have been uncomfortable for Taurean self happy to let something go on forever and resisting change and ending stuff......BUT not so much life has changed so dramatically the last couple of years, that I no longer feel the need to perpetuate something, or a situation, to appease my inner nature......I will always likely have certain parts of my personality that are deep, and will remain.....but the evolution that has taken over my life has helped me evolve now too:).......and some endings come so abruptly, it feels as if we have lost a limb.....and then other endings sort of quietly exit out the back door......and before you know it something is done and gone and you didn't hear it leave.....I think I am experiencing the latter with a situation in my life now that has challenged me endlessly......I am feeling a shift in my emotions surrounding it.....a shift in my desire for it, and a shift in wanting it to remain ..... and an acceptance in just moving on from it.....knowing that it is not for me any longer......and endings are tricky that way......we always think we decide when something comes and goes in and out of our lives.....but that isn't the case.....sometimes it just happens, beyond our power.......and that is like this......and I am ready for it to be feels like time.......leaving space for the magic of new beginnings and other things to occupy that space:) That is the magic of endings right??? New beginnings:) Full of adventure and intrigue yet to discover......and we know that old adage when one door closes a window opens, it is true right?? After my divorce and that door slammed shut, so ending that was of epic no time there were doors and windows opening up all around me:) Magical how that happens.....I trust deeply in all the endings that take place in my life now.....whether it be people, friendships, situations......just all of it.....what is for me, truly.....won't ever leave.....and what isn't will never I am embracing the ebb and flow.....despite the discomfort I had once found in endings.......and in the current ending I am is time......more than time for it to go......and the clarity and acceptance that is finding its way into my heart tells me so:) So I am looking forward to seeing what windows and doors open as this situation comes to an end and I make room for new blessings and opportunities......Happy Monday y'all:) Enjoy!

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