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Embracing the new experiences.....

I tend to be an over thinker at times.....a careful human......somebody that thinks things through and sees the larger picture way up ahead.....I am finding as I am navigating all of this that I am becoming braver, braver in the sense that I am doing the things that feel authentic to ME that resonate with my soul.....that maybe the "old Jenn" may not have done or even thought to way of following my intuition and gut and just accepting what comes......and embracing the new experience and allowing myself to have new experiences.....more spontaneous ones, more out of the box ones....just different ones. As I am doing some of these things I am finding that adding to ones life is exhilarating.......soul bending........soul changing......and in that got me thinking that unless our lives change in a HUGE way.....unless the universe picks up our life basket and dumps the pieces on the floor........forcing us to pick it up.........we stay very complacent in who we are......we get into a "comfort zone"......."a rut".......where "we do this"........."we don't do this".......this is "who we are"........."this isn't"........unless we are a rare few that get themselves out there and do new things all the time........but I think for most of us we stay very close to the things that have always made sense for us......not venturing out too far......staying in the natural radius that often surrounds us in thinking about this I wanted to share it....because I feel like if you are a person reading this.....somebody that hasn't had much change in your life......recently.......or maybe ever really........I urge you to try some new things....push yourself a bit........further out......into new things.......see what starts to make sense for you.....and as for me from now on I am fighting the over thinking......the over examining.....the million places my brain always goes;-) and I am just letting whatever comes to me come......whatever goes goes.....whatever feels right.......feel right......and not worry about any of the sorta feels these days like my path is one with lighted stepping I hop from one to the other they light up leading me along the way.......leading me ahead......and as I step on each one, I am given confirmation that it is headed in the right direction......I am creating a bucket list of sorts these days.....marking stuff off and examining what new things are supposed to be part of my new life........and it occurs to me that I should have done that sooner perhaps......pushed myself out of my comfort zone more often.....been a little bolder when I felt the urge.......or tried more "new experiences" in my old life.....and as I think that thought......I catch myself because that is the "over thinker Jenn".....wondering about something and changing it, or making it something it isn't...... because the fact remains none of us can go back......we can't change the past.....we can only proceed in our lives as they are........and as we know better we most certainly do better.....and I plan on doing better and collecting a whole bunch of new experiences, and really go after the "living" part of life......and I urge you to do the same:)

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