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Dreams and doors......

I have started dreaming in a real way in my life again. It has felt amazing! I had forgotten I had dreams, real ones, and forgotten that there was room for me to dream in my life......I had been in survival mode for some time under the weight of so much that there wasn't any space for the dreams I once held........until now:) I have so many dreams now, ones I spend some time each day visualizing and meditating on.......and as I do that, the doors are beginning to open as a way to achieve them and it feels pretty amazing.......having something put on your heart and then finding the potential way to get there is so exciting......I have been paying such close attention to the nudges in my heart and gut and when they nudge me I follow, and it has paid off every time.......yesterday I was presented with an that seems viable alongside what other things I have up my sleeve;-) and a way to accomplish some of what I want to in this life.......more to come on this down the road......but for now............ as I sat there being presented with the opportunity......I knew that it could be the way to live out the dreams that I want while I was led to be presented with the opportunity, now I need to spend some time figuring out my way to the how.....and meditate some on whether I will or should just go for I am spending some time doing point is that when you dream.......and are intentional about the belief in put some mindful manifestation behind them......doors open.......and it is the trusting of these doors that is where the magic happens.......and trusting that the doors are meant for you and being brave enough to walk through them.......when you are somewhere and you need a change it can get super comfortable to just sit in it........or tell yourself there is nothing that can be done about it......when that just isn't so........we have the power in our lives to change our circumstance by changing us......being willing to be intentional about the life we want and going after it no matter what.......and I have begun through my meditation practice to be really intentional about what that life looks like, and in turn I have started to see it materialize in my physical world and have begun meeting people in line with the way I view life now too, the way I want to live it, and it is super exciting.......I do think that there is something about the "vibrational match" thing.......that when we decide to vibrate at a certain place.......elevate the things in our lives some, be intentional about our daily practices, we attract things aligned with what we want and where we are headed......we are only as good and as happy as those around us.......and and we all know that if we sit in negativity it breeds more of it.......and if we surround ourselves with people that are dissatisfied, angry, difficult, negative that it is hard to escape it......and it can drag you is so important to be intentional about who and what we surround ourselves with......maybe the most important thing.......but the trick is to attract those things.......intentionally......mindfully......and daily.......not stopping till they surround us in every way.....and doors open to help us reach the life we want:) I am so excited by the possibilities :) ALL OF THEM:):)

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