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Dream board=CHECK

I have always been on a quest of sorts I think......I remember other times in my life....usually following some sort of traumatic experience, adversity, or life spot, that required me to seek answers, solace, action steps to find in this world......a way to get back up on the road and get moving forward again......I resonate with the movie "Eat Pray Love" for that reason.....I get that quest for answers......and for all of it....and the spirit of questing.......I have visited holistic practitioners in an attempt to feel better, or find health and vibrancy......feeling low energy, and challenged health wise at different points in my life.....and now maybe I feel like what I was feeling physically was linked to how I was feeling mentally.....some anxiety.....excessive worry, just battling to feel good.....and healthy in every way......and this morning finds me having achieved that in these past years, and keeping it:)......but I had the most glorious reminder yesterday.......I have been home with my Mads this week.....the virus she has is cruddy indeed....and she decided yesterday that despite being sick....and due to the glorious spring weather......she wanted to walk with me to meet her brother at the late bus stop down our road.....and we got back right before the rain:) And it was nice to walk in the spring air.......But before we left.....she was reading a dream board I have had.....for a long time....I think maybe even before I moved into this house.....and at the time that I created it.......I had a side hustle working for a company that sold health and nutritional supplements....getting me hooked on the greens I drink today:) The formulator of them is at a different company now....but I buy them and drink them daily, and love the way they make me feel......for the last 10 I have this dream board sitting randomly in my bedroom by my mirror.....I am not sure why......maybe because I felt it would be visible, and present in my mind if it were there.....but I do not ever look at it.....not in a real sense....never rereading the dreams I cast for myself all those years ago.....or closely examining was an exercise we did when I was part of that business and it has just stayed on that board.....the board actually was in my basement for the longest time....till I brought it up not too long yesterday Mads was brushing her hair....and she began reading the things on the board aloud.....and I was in my closet getting my sneakers, and I stopped dead in my tracks.....realizing that some of what she was reading, had manifested.....the things I wanted for myself are real life....and I hadn't even realized I had accomplished that dream board......and it gave me goosebumps.....and most of it was centered around vibrant health and strength.....and feeling a glow from head to toe.......dreaming more......just so so many things....and I suppose at the time I crafted those dreams I wasn't feeling as healthy as I wanted.....and I have always known that health is my board was in line with that....and here I sit....however many years the place that I wanted for myself then....feeling healthier than I have maybe in all of my my entire life.....even when I was young, and should have felt vibrant and didn't... I have never felt like I do now......and it was such a moment.....a powerful one.....and it made me realize that I need to update that dream board;-) time to craft the next vision for my future in a tangible sense.....and I am clearer now about how my retreat center vision fits in with the rest of my life now.....planning it all out.......around my teaching career.....and it just feels amazing.......and I know that our plans don't always fully see the light of day because of our path and journey....and I definitely believe in the idea of destiny some too.....but I trust that however it all plays out it is for the greater good....always......and so I feel like way back then.......God placed those goal, hopes, and dreams on my heart.....and I cut them out of magazines.....and put them on that board in faith.....and then I got to living.....and like a time capsule they had their say yesterday.....and I just love it! :) So it is time to strip that board of those dreams and put up new ones....and leave it in my line of sight remind me of where I am headed and where I want to be AMEN:) And this time, something tells me they will be realized sooner:)

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