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Don't know what you got till........

It's is a phenomenon that I just don't fully understand.....people taking people for granted, and then realizing when they get fed up that they made a mistake.....I write about it this morning because I am seeing it all around me right now, and wondering what that is.....I have also had people realize it about me before......and what is it in people that causes them to not appreciate what they have, when it is RIGHT in front of them......or looking elsewhere, and then realizing......I have a friend that gave effort to this relationship, wanting him to see her and hear her......and she wanted more from him....and she was showing up for him throughout it all....and he was playing evasive head games with her......and she just kept hanging on.....and her needs were not being met, and she finally left the situation.....and soon after met somebody that is doing all the thing he wasn't.....and when I talk to her, we both marvel at what that is.....because guess who is back sending her a DM and trying to express his deep regret and wanting her??? Like really???? And he is laying it on heavy.....and it just seems so ridiculous to me.....and makes me a little angry.....and it must be human nature....there is something inherently wired in us like that.......but if somebody is in your life.....showing up every day.....trying.....and showing you they care.....and you love each other.....then well then I think a person should appreciate that, and do everything in their power not to screw it up despite any of the demons that live in their past.....I saw a meme the other day that spoke to me....we can only meet people as deeply as we have met ourselves.....if we are not brave enough to be all these things to ourselves, than we cannot give it to another.....and in my friend's case....the absence of her in this other guy's life is making him think he needs to throw a last ditch effort into the ring, before she becomes any more serious with this fella she met....and it is too late......and maybe the Universe and God rewards us......when we finally say NO to what doesn't serve us.....drawing a line in the sand......demanding to be treated the way we deserve to be treated......and then we make room for what does.....and maybe it is what it is about.....standing up for oneself and saying enough......this treatment or level of care isn't in line with what I am seeking, and I am going to move on and find what I need......Retrograde tends to dredge up past scenarios....and we are in full swing of that these few this is in line with that for people........but it irritates me.....I would be lying if I said otherwise.....I think if anything, my life has shown me that I have felt super unappreciated in love on repeat......just giving and giving till my well ran dry, and not feeling poured into in the same way.....and often times those men did not deserve that energy from me......and that is the ONLY energy I seek as I move forward.....getting poured into the way I here is some advice.....if somebody is in your life and they are loving you, and devoted to you.....ride or die, no matter what.......appreciate them, love them back, and do the same in return....or eventually you will lose them......and you will realize it all too little too late indeed.......and if you are looking for a place to lay your love it with somebody that loves themselves and their life.....if those things are not in play, they won't be able to love you...If they cannot give the things you seek to themselves, they won't be able to give it to you.......I have learned this the hard way......over and over.....Enjoy the day......Happy Monday! :)

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