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Do you do this???

I have talked a lot about my dreams on this journey....or maybe more importantly having dreams again:) Really specific things I see for my life up ahead, and I spend a lot of energy in the day to day chasing them.....and since I have released my attachment to disappointment, and getting tied up in outcomes, I have freed myself to have nothing to I dream away.....knowing that my dreams will be realized in the way they are meant to show up in my experience now....perfectly placed, and timed, and laid out for me to find! I found a an interesting article that I thought would be fun to share.....It was talking about the ways in which our dreams are manifested....and the first one was to get good sleep....and have a regular sleeping discussed that when we sleep we clear out the debris from the day....our minds taking on tons of information, and clutter throughout the day, and sleeping well and long enough rids our minds of that debris, allowing for more creative thinking.....more inspired thinking, and more clarity on the way to those dreams....and I really have to agree.....I am sleeping better overall than I have ever....I sleep soundly for at least 8 hours....and it has made a big difference in the way I feel, and I also think my ability to think in the ways I want to, or need to:) Practicing gratitude was the next one....I think I got that one down pat;-) It is my go to, and my default in this life....and it talked about it strengthening our immune system....but also helping us recover more quickly from setbacks....and have more positive things enter our lives as a result of that gratitude.....I would agree:) The next point the article was my favorite..... it said to "light up the peace region in your brain" by producing oxytocin in your body.....listening to music, mindful meditation, hugging, movement, and joyful curiosity....and again could not agree more and found all of that to be so true.....I feel like being intentional about doing things in my day that give me a "natural high" have been huge to my well being.....helping bolster me against the riptide;-) The next was setting achievable and measurable goals, steps toward your overall big goal....obviously you aren't going to manifest a huge goal until you have laid the framework setting goals, and ones that you can tick off will get you there:) And the final piece was to create a clear vision......and I feel like I have that..... a clear vision for your life, and your purpose, and what you want for your life....and that matters a great deal....I found this amazing meditation the other of my favorites ever....I listen to the rising higher ones a lot....check her out on Youtube.....and I love her voice and use of language in them....and this one was a manifestation one, but it was focused on all parts of your life.....spending a little bit of time in each......and it was really well I will be using that one many times they are focused on one piece....and the multi faceted piece of this one spoke to me:) So go ahead and dream, it is OK:) We forget as we age I kids we are excellent at dreaming.....then as we grow those parts of us get squashed some....I am grateful to have found that inner childlike spirit again, which allows me to go all in on my dreams....and run freely right toward them:) Happy Thursday! Dream a little dream, or maybe a big one;-)

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