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Divine Timing.......

I have come to realize that divine timing is everything......the timing of the things that happen in our lives is a thing.....and we cannot force anything to happen in the time we wish it too.....and coming to that realization fully.......has freed me in some ways......freed me to be more trusting of what is ahead......and not really sweat stuff if I can help it....but there have been situations that have come to find me that have challenged this lesson in me......and reminding myself of the divine dance we dance each day helps me take a step back when I become frustrated and impatient......but if we all think of our lives and think of the circumstances that led us to where we are we can see that divine timing at work......I had dated my ex husband for a summer when I was 19.....falling madly in love with him.....spending the most magical summer with him......but timing was not on our side....youth being the prevailing theme of the day......and we both went our separate never quite losing him in my heart and mind......him moving to Delaware.....and my heading to college......and then time took hold.......and nearly 8 years night a mutual friend took me to his apartment, where he and his roommates were having a party.....I found myself there in my late 20s, and well the rest is history....and I believe with all of my heart he and I were supposed to be together......that we were supposed to have the love story we had, and fall for each other the way we did....sharing our lives together for 20 years....having Gabe and Mads......and nothing about what occurred at the end of my story changes that.......divine wasn't going to keep us apart......and the way in which I reentered his life proves that.....I could write blogs for days outlining the timing of things....and I am sure if you are reading this you can think of plenty of them yourself.......we also can't help who we love.......and how that translates into our lives.....and knowing that, and having learned that even more since my divorce, helps me give more grace to my ex and his new girlfriend......their divine timing was at work too, despite my not liking it........and it hurting me......however I have come to learn that that too was all meant to be a part of the dance.....them falling in love too.......and sometimes our heart chooses something that is not easy, and complicated.....and we just can't help it......I guess my point in all of this is to remind myself, and anybody that needs the reminder, that what will be will stopping it or changing it.....and what won't will never be either......our power lies in the willingness to be faithful and patient in all of it, and enjoy the ride as it unfolds before us:) As for me this week's timing finds the kids and I gearing to get away for a few days to Niagara Falls! And then my heading back to my classroom and beginning to get ready for a new school year! And feeling lucky for the timing I have experienced in my life, in ways both big and small......and trusting all of it each and every day...:)

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