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Discomfort over resentment........

I saw something interesting.....and wanted to share....and initially when I saw the headline "discomfort over resentment" my interpretation was different than what the speaker had to say.....but I think both their take, and mine ring true, and I thought it was important to share....the woman that was talking was talking about choosing to say no and be uncomfortable in the saying of no, vs doing something you don't want to and building resentment.....and I truly believe we should never do that......choosing to do things for others with a glad and open heart or not at all.....and we all know the martyr people in our lives.....the ones that want to be helpful to others, but then are constantly mad about it.....or complaining about it all......that serves nobody.....truly.....and resentment is really is....and I am lucky my natural inclination is not to build is something I rarely feel....and if something pricks it I try my best to explore the deeper feelings and work on them and let it go.....and I know it is a part of others deeply in a way that is likely hard to overcome.........there are so many reasons I could have clung to resentment with my ex, and in this story and it has been a conscious choice not to......I feel like it is a cheap cover, like anger for other feelings.....and again when I saw the headline it resonated with me but from a different how that is.....our ability to interpret things from our lens of life....and proceed makes life so interesting:) So my interpretation is our choosing the discomfort of growth and moving past something.....taking a higher road to avoid resentment.......not allowing the actions of others pull us down.....and choosing to work through our feelings to move forward.....I have expressed that I communicate with my ex via text minimally.....often communicating with his girlfriend for lots of reasons, and choosing that for my children's sake......however sometimes he has a need to text me....and he did this weekend....and his texts always come at me with a spirit of expecting the worst, and come in an adversarial manner.....inviting me to a skirmish.....and it always takes me what about anything that has happened, and anything I have shown you, would cause you to expect me to behave that way? And I know the answer, I understand it is his own internal battle being projected onto me.....but in those moments I have to stand in the discomfort of resisting the battle......refusing to engage......the beauty of text.....taking a moment to choose light and the higher road, and sending a text back trying to share the truth of the situation, whatever it might be, and my true part in it....and being kind.....not joining him in the skirmish........and then it is normally met with silence.....and that to me is choosing discomfort over resentment......I won't let that stuff pull me down in this life...and it does take a great deal of discomfort to hold yourself accountable for your reactions to things.....and not give in to yourself......but I have found 100% of the time it is worth it....I have never regretted keeping my composure.....choosing my words carefully, and not giving into my anger or it is always worth it....and each time the discomfort lessens.....and it becomes I hope you will choose that discomfort, let go of those resentments....and choose your own peace and joy:) It is worth it! Resentment doesn't hurt anybody but YOU!

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