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"Showing a controlled form of behavior or way of working" It sounds intense be disciplined......and I suppose it feels that way sometimes.....I have written many times about linking my new level of discipline in my life to my alchemizing my need for control.....controlling what I can, so I can let go of the rest and the things I cannot.....and it has been a powerful shift.....taking that part of my personality and using it for good, and for healthier means, than hanging onto futile things and desperately trying to put them back my level of discipline right now is pretty intense......there are things I do daily, no matter what, would not even consider not doing them......never not wanting to......just a repeated part of my life, like a life of its own at this point.....and my point in looking at this again is to say that I plan on upping that level of discipline and expanding my workout and some of those things.....pushing boundaries, and consulting with my personal trainer friend to craft some new workout vibes, elevating my results.......summer for me is an awesome time to do that.....I so prefer working out at 9 or 10 than 6;-) during the school year! I am definitely a morning workout girl though......end of the day doesn't work for me......which is why I never leave it for then......knowing that it likely won't happen......I have also remained extremely disciplined in being single.....not jumping at every opportunity that has come my way.....saving myself for the right situation......exercising enormous self discipline in doing is something I believe in deeply.....and I have not sacrificed it at all.....I also plan on revamping my meal prep life now that I have time.......crafting some new habits.....for myself and the kids......I was recently given an air fryer and there is a whole new world awaiting me there;-) And getting back to intermittent fasting.....I felt better food wise and physically when I did that......I attempted to try and eat protein and breakfast for workout purposes, but I really think that isn't for intermittent fasting it is.....and there is most definitely power in my new life in realizing that if I decide I am going after something, or deciding I am sticking to it, that I will......I certainly have not had that always be the case by a long I have said Tauruses have discipline as a part of them but their indulgent side often is in conflict with that and sabotages it;-) and whatever magical force has taken over my life helps me in so many ways.....I put a video out there yesterday about self where does it come from?? is a question I have been pondering endlessly because so many women ask me about it.....and I want some secret sauce or recipe that I can give them to help them have more of it.....because it is the THING that feeds the rest of our life.....all areas of it....trickles in all of the best ways.....bolsters us on rainy days.....keeps us from making foolish decisions......from diminishing ourselves......and in my video I outlined some of what I think.....but it is a huge topic.....and maybe as I type this I think I should craft a women's series just on that......just on gaining self much chips away at that.....and I remember my life not all that long ago, where I lacked self confidence immensely......and self respect.....and somehow have found it all......and I desperately want to impart it to as many women as I can......being so disciplined I think feeds my self confidence......knowing I can trust myself to show up for myself and to be there for me......since it is just me right now......that I can count on me.....that I never let myself down......I support myself deeply every single day and that is a big deal.....and something I will do forever now.....seeing and feeling the power of that in my I plan to up my discipline......summer plans to do so.....see what I pushing my boundaries physically and mentally.....and seeing what treasures are found there:) Church and the church picnic for us today! Enjoy the day:)

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