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Dignity means the state or quality of being worthy of honor or is so important for us as humans to maintain the feeling of that......and I have kind of a radical thought about that......I believe most people if not all people are worthy of us trying to honor their dignity in our dealings with matter what......and I have found in the difficult situations I have found myself in, that if I lead from a place of communicating with that notion in mind it goes is easy to fly off the handle......scold a sorry to diminish somebody in our interaction........but it takes so much more effort......effort that I believe is worthwhile, to lead with compassion and empathy for another person's human condition......because we are all flawed and fabulous.....filled with amazing places, and ones that are not so amazing.......and recognizing that in another is paramount to surviving this world........and in navigating the difficult waters with my ex, I have tried as often as I have been able, to lead and craft my communication toward him with an attempt to understand how he is feeling.....and I have done it repeatedly, and sometimes it still hasn't gone well.....but I have been patient in doing so, and this last go round felt like all of that work and effort was finally seen......and I could have given up a long time ago....or given in, and let the venom poison me, and leak into my own interactions......but to what end??? I do not seek to make him feel small or bad about anything......I truly don't......I want his life to be happy and fulfilled, and for him to enjoy his time on this earth as I am heart has healed beyond the pain and suffering......and my mind understands so much more of all of it now, and acceptance is deep within I guess today is a good me and to you if you are reading.......that it is worth the effort, no matter what, to communicate with others with the intention of keeping their dignity in tact......we have all experienced somebody trying to obliterate our dignity in an interaction......and for me I have come to learn that says everything about them not us........somebody that wants to maim and harm through words is a individual that is in pain ......words hold power.....they really really do....and the stuff we say or don't say stays with our people........and we are all worthy of being held in our mess......because we are messy and so is life......On this rainy Friday morning, I am feeling cautiously optimistic at the seeds I have planted, sprouting in terms of a new normal in my story, and hoping the patience and consistency I have shown will be rewarded.....and that something can emerge that is new, and transformed, and serves us all......with dignity firmly in tact.......Amen:)

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