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Dating and a disturbing trend.....

Dating is on my radar in this year.....ready to explore some of it....but as I have said many times it is so damn difficult lol:) You would think it would be easy.....profiles of other people that claim to want to, and you find one you like, they like you, and then there it is......however....that is not how it works......I match pretty often and then nobody says a word....or if I start a conversation.....there is no response....not even one....likely moved onto another one.....or already lost interest, or maybe doesn't even really want to date....or exert the effort to get to know another person....and I kinda feel the same is a lot of energy and effort....trying to get a feel for a human electronically.....but it seems to be the trend....and I feel like lots of me....are comfortable in their lives too....maybe wondering how all of that would work yeah.....haven't dated...YET in the new year lol;-) but it is on my list.....and it is on my radar for sure....and I plan on making it work somehow.....still crafting a game stay tuned:).....where there is a will there is a way......:).but what has disturbed me locally, along the way, is that a few times on this journey I have received some messages from married men!!!!......Ones I know are married on FB, or friend requests from married men.......not overtly asking me for anything, but a message that is inappropriate for a married man to send me, one that I would not want my husband to send to another woman.....and it completely baffles why on earth would they think that I would be interested in doing any such thing with them, not only because of my belief system....but also because of what happened to me??? The girl whose ex husband shattered her heart having an affair is likely not interested in having an affair with you!!!! I am fairly certain I do not give off the vibe in my public life that that is what I am seeking.....not by a long shot.......and the other thing that strikes me is the trust they put in me that I won't share it with anybody.....and so far it hasn't been anything that I feel like I need to reach out to anybody about.....but it is wildly disturbing to me.....and I don't encourage it further and move along.....and when my friend and I were out the one night.....we saw one of the guys.....I had shut him down awhile back....and I mentioned it to her and he had done the same thing to her!!!!! Like what???? And it makes me hopping mad.....because if you are not happy in your marriage, then be big enough, and brave enough to end it in the light of day, and then go seek whatever it is you think you want or need.....but really better yet....... focus on your marriage and your wife....and fix your marriage or at least TRY......I truly believe that.....the effort that is put into affairs, or trying to have them.....would be energy better spent in your marriage.....go home and love your your your your wife.....romance your wife.....SEE your wife.....HEAR her.......please......try it and see what happens......but I want to make it abundantly clear that I will NEVER be interested in dating a married case that was confusing to anybody, holy moly!.....However I am interested in dating a single person, so if anybody knows any single men let me know;-) Happy Sunday!

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