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My kids are with their dad this weekend and I am planning on heading out with a friend for her birthday tonight, and doing a little dancing:) It has been awhile since I have been out with that purpose.....I have talked many times about my love of music, and dancing is a part of that too;-) although most times it is in my house with my kids......recently we were in the grocery store and a good song came on......I mean the grocery store playlist is a thing right?;-) and I started dancing down the aisle and my daughter said I should stop somebody may see me lol:) I guess I was embarrassing her already....yikes lol:) but yeah music moves me in every way, and I am looking forward to going out and dancing and having fun......and it may in fact be the best time I have ever gone now that I have surrendered to that "I don't care what everybody thinks kinda vibe"......Free to dance like nobody is watching truly once and for that will be fun.......her teenage son is our driver so that is an added perk too;-) I may grab a hike too and do a few other things today.....have some stuff for my business I want to work on......and as I wake up this morning I am reminded of how empty the house feels without my crew.....I am not sure that I will ever get used to that feeling.....the silence......the empty vibes that them not being here causes......but I do my best to embrace it in the ways that I am friend came over last night and we chatted for a little bit and that was lovely too......and there is also a metaphysical type faire today in Vernon that I may check out.....just see what is there and wander around a bit......I felt as if the energy this week was kinda heavy and I am looking forward to shaking it off......quite literally later and losing myself some:) I have also been really encouraged recently in my workout as I have made some shifts that have yielded some results I wanted......I still am a novice indeed when it comes to that, and rely on Google an awful lot to lead me and guide what routines I set up, but it is most definitely a huge resource and I have been encouraged by some things I have added......a 5 minute plank challenge is one.....not 5 min at one time thank goodness lol:) but a circuit......and side planks are a part of it.....they are not my favorite by any means, sorta like push ups however they do I have been pushing myself in that way too....I find that the mental battle sometimes found during a workout is so beneficial and carries over into many parts of my life......pushing yourself to do that last one even though your body is is similar to meditation.....the benefits being insidious and oozing into all parts of my life effortlessly, and benefiting me in more ways than I can sometimes I woke up a little later today....have been all week which has been weird but I am going with it.....and I am going to have a slow moving morning......then workout and head out for the day.....embracing what is.....hoping my children have a great weekend....and later celebrate a great friend and dance like nobody is watching:) Enjoy your Saturday:)

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