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Covid matters.........

I don't know about you, but the relief that is coming related to Covid easing and life resuming feels amazing!! :):)Yesterday at work marked a giant milestone. I taught without my mask!! It was incredible and a lot easier than I had imagined.....there is currently no Covid in our school building, the majority of my class had Covid at one point or another this year, and it felt like it was time........I knew I would know and I did......And as I stood up there teaching my math lesson and laughing and smiling with my class.....all of us seeing each other's faces for the most part, it was was the first time since this began that I have done that fact as of very recently my class did not even know what my face looked like! Crazy right? Then one morning they came in and I had my mask off still and they all lost their minds LOL:). Whispering and pointing;-) There is her face, that is what she looks like, her mask is off! So to teach in the land of the free again yesterday was so liberating......and so good for the is time for them too.....I truly do not regret a moment of wearing my has not bothered me a bit......has brought me comfort at times when I needed it......felt like it was my responsibility to do so, to protect myself, and others around me, and my family.......and it truly has been all good......but as I begin to stretch my wings a bit.......and experience things as I once did, it is hard not to become giddy.......I have missed all of that so so much........connecting with people and feeling safe to do so......I think having Covid at Christmas changed me for shifted my perspective some......but more than that it made me realize we will be living with Covid now.......for however long or maybe forever.......and that all the vigilance in the world doesn't prevent you from getting it if it is coming to call......and I don't regret being as careful as I was when Delta was running around......I think all of the precautions I have taken have paid off......and when we finally got it, it was more manageable indeed........I plan on continuing our vitamins, hiking, and being mindful of keeping our bodies healthy.....and then letting the rest go.......trusting that it is time to move forward in a real way.......and it is amazing to think I can finally lay the largest parts and burdens of the pandemic down in a real way......and only carry with me the new normal part.......shedding a giant burden I have carried for a long time as a the end of the day yesterday, a boy in my class was watching another student doing something silly.....and he looked over at me and we both smiled at each other, and it was as if the entire time continuum was frozen for a minute.......capturing the taking his smile in, him taking was pretty beautiful:) I know my kids would joke and say they could always tell when I was smiling behind my mask......seeing it in my eyes.....and I too have gotten good at reading kids through their eyes and masks as well.....are they happy? Sad? Sick? Scared? all of the above.......the eyes are indeed the window to our maybe that is what will happen for us as the masks see their way out.......maybe our ability to connect and understand each each other........ will be that much more astute......because we have honed our skills.......spent all this time reading above the mask.....or through the mask......maybe we will reach greater understanding......kind of a nice thought to think of:)

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