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Cool stuff........

I had a great day reconnecting yesterday with some people of the past at a Graduation party for one of my good friend's sons.... the kids and I had so much fun, and it was a trip down memory lane for me.....people I knew and worked with once upon a time ago at DV.....I had been there briefly at the beginning of my career.....and dipping back into the stories of those folks, and seeing a few more people that had walked in various places in my life once upon a time was was really one of those full circle kinds of days....having cool conversations and connecting with people in the best of ways.....I also felt relief because I have been trying to get a decent head shot myself to save some money for the book I am a part of.....and yesterday was the deadline, the last hail Mary.....and Mads got one for me that I felt fit the bill:) So that was a great thing to check off the list! The power washer guy came, and the outside of my house looks great! Except my deck which despite him cleaning it is covered again in caterpillar nonsense:( is crazy....and I wish it would come to its I will have to keep blowing it off till the time comes to do the staining.....which I am hoping will be this I am going to my brother's church service at Eddy Farm and there is a luncheon there.....I am interested to see their retreat space, and learn some about all of that for future endeavors too:) .....I have a phone consult later for a potential new client.....I am excited to connect and see how I can help! Then I meet with the contractor later and am really looking forward to getting that moving and shaking.....forward motion! This first full week off of work will find me purging and cleaning out......Kitchen cabinets.....garage......and each room....and the cool part is I am in the mood lol:) That definitely has to be an in the mood thing.....I also am investing a small amount in my own growth, and in my own business, and having an hour consultation with a woman I have been connected with through this book that is doing exactly what I want to do in the future with her story and is super successful at doing a little coaching of my own is in order to move me forward some and pick her brain about the things I want to that is this week too, and I am excited for that too.....lots to do and accomplish but it all feels really good and in line with all I want to do this year and the pieces are falling into place and being in the zone feels good always, when I can feel that so fully and when I can step right into the spot I need to be...Happy Sunday:)

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