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I was talking to somebody last night that gets my journey.....she too went on the same awakening.......a spiritual quest for healing and her ex husband doing the same to her....11's chasing her around too.....magic and gifts too......and I guess the irony that I write this on 11/11 is not one that is lost on me;-) It came to me this morning, like my blogs do and here we go......see where my fingers lead us...;-) I have written quite a few times about how my new life somebody woke me up.....and showed me the world anew.......turned up the brightness, the contrast, the color.....the sound quality.......the hues.....subtle on the Wizard of Oz when it goes from black and white to color in the land of Oz........yeah like that:) and I am never giving it back.......NEVER........and this morning it occurred to me that I am a little afraid sometimes......afraid of introducing a relationship in my life.......maybe ever......that doing so is going to take that from me......lull me back to sleep and slumber......taking my aliveness away in the routine of the day to day.....and I know it is just fear talking, and that I have felt this before and expressed it.......but I guess talking to somebody else that gets it, that experienced an awakening of sorts made me think on it again......I have lots of reasons to be gun shy when it comes to men and sharing my life again......soooooo many lol:) but one of the main things for me is that magic lives in my day to day......I truly mean that......that is not bullshit.......the habits I now hold, the life I have created for myself and my kids, the peace that reigns in my heart, my newfound spirit of adventure and real energy for living and energy period is not up for grabs........never wanting to feel drained it feels like something I am super protective of........and she was talking about the intuition that came to find her in that space.....and I could not agree is like all my senses became super heightened......and maybe it sounds crazy to some, and that is OK;-) I assure everybody I have not lost my I promise! And maybe until you go through it, much like everything else, you cannot fully understand.......The truth is I feel I have found my soul, my spirit........I look around and see so much existing......just people going through the motions.....punching clocks....eating dinner and going to bed.......and I don't judge......quite the opposite.....because at certain points I was them too 100% It just hurts my heart for them....... what I have found and what I want to share if you are reading you got one living with intention......consciously creating your life and your experience here is worth the effort......I promise:) GO GET IT:)

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