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Coming by it honestly.....

So I understand that to some discussing or placing stock in Astrology can seem hokey....hippity dippity if you will lol;-) I get that and respect that.....that is more than OK:) however for me, and through my learning about it, it has helped me understand so much more about my life, the world, and the people around me.....and none of it seems farfetched to me at all......not at one of the things that I have written about is my thinking mind, and the fact that at different points in my life it has plagued me, giving its power over to overthinking, worry, anxiety, much more.....a mental playground that has seeemed to work against me sometimes......and the last update I had on my chart, and meet up with my astrology gal, shed some light on really important ways....I have Mercury in Gemini in my birth chart, which is responsible for the way I think, and process the world....and it has blessed me with my ability to think globally......see big pictures.....think ahead of my actions, and carefully and methodically plan it out, and see the trajectory of it...being able to multitask and fly by the seat of my pants most of the time lol;-) it is responsible for my writing ability, and my love of all things communication..... my ability to publicly speak on the fly, not needing to write stuff down, and having it come to me like the words on my screen:).......and so many other cool and handy things socially and otherwise;-) but like anything it has a downside brain needs incessant stimulation or I can become bored.....forever seeking information and satisfying curiosity, so I love talking to people, listening to music....researching stuff.....just endlessly seeking information......inquisitve about it all.....and that can be challenging for me, as well as those around me I am sure......and there are other downsides too......a bunch.....and as I have realized recently, the challenges I have had in the past with anxiety and intense stuff in terms of thought, was my not knowing how to manage all of what was going on in my thinking mind.....but over the years I have figured out how to manage it all much better and harnass it for positive things....and now having had astrology step forward it helps me accept, understand, and validate what I have been feeling all these years.....a way of knowing myself better.....Mercury is our planet that rules communication and how we communicate, so where it shows up is important and makes us who we are....and mine being in an Air sign....Gemini..... causes it to be more global type thinking.....thinking up above the bigger picture I guess I share this to say that my knowing this has helped me give myself grace some, and help me accept who I am more.....knowing that I am not imagining what I have been feeling all these years....and some of the ways my thinking affects me, that I come by it honestly:).....and my work in this life is to manage it in ways that help me and not work against me....finding outlets for it....reading has always been a huge love of mine....just devouring words from the moment I learned....and now it makes sense:) Filling a need....and writing now has been such a gift, helping me have an outlet for what goes on internally.......So I say all of this to share that you should have some grace with yourself too.....knowing that likely something that you wonder about yourself is something you come by honestly.....written in the stars if you will....and something you should try and celebrate in you, versus beating yourself up for:) I promise! Have a great day:) Make it a good one:)

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