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Clingmans Dome

Clingmans Dome was spectacular!!!! It is in the Smoky Mountain National Park and the drive to it alone is one to behold. As we drove up toward it there were such scenic and picturesque places along the way to stop and behold the beauty. Nothing like looking at a scene that is just too beautiful for words and is magnificent! Before we headed up there we stopped at the visitor's center to check it out. My sister in law Stacey shared with us about her own national park book and how she has gotten it stamped along the way, she used to visit them avidly as a child with her family:) So she got the books for the kids and I got one too, and now I have big plans for the kids and I to fill them with stamps, as we adventure to all the beautiful places here in the United States! I plan on planning summer adventures for us, and maybe some long weekends other times of the year to accomplish our goal! I am so grateful the kids love hiking and exploring in the same ways I do. It would be so challenging if they didn't. When we arrived at the top of the lookout at Clingmans Dome there is a parking area and some amazing views. We had a picnic at the car and took some pictures and spent some time taking it all in. After lunch we headed up to the top. It was a little over a mile or so up a paved road leading up to the BIG lookout. It was no easy feat. It was hot and straight up and it had been paved all the way up, making the heat a little more challenging;-) It had a huge ramp that went around in a big circle till you reached the top, sort of reminding you of a parking garage sorta style......It was really far up there. As we climbed it occurred to me that the feeling of the height was not affecting me. I have had a fear of heights for as long as I can remember. It would give me a queasy feeling and sometimes render me unable to move depending on the situation. It was kind of cool to not feel a thing, except for the anticipation of getting to the top and looking out! The kids went right up too. It was super hot, the sun was intense and the walkway the entire way was straight up. It was amazing to see all the people. There were a few people pushing strollers and wheelchairs, one man had crutches, and I admired their grit and resolve as it was hard enough to climb when you are able bodied. However the view at the top was worth it all. It was so awesome. The air up there was cooler and lovely. I think looking at the beauty in nature has become one of my favorite things to do. There is something so peaceful and awe inspiring in getting to do that......staring at a creek, or being among the trees......fresh air, lots of oxygen, the magic of nature washing over me......I feel so blessed to live in an area where there are so many opportunities to do just that......Gabe has always liked to be outside, I am not sure the magical nature of it all resonates in him, but his soul yearns to play in the woods no question and always has..... Mads however totally gets it.......she often comments on the things we see along the way and notices all the subtle details......she loves the beauty of nature, touching the running water in creek beds, and loved every bit of yesterday as much as I did.......I feel so blessed to be at this place in my life where I can adventure with them and create lasting memories in our new family makes my heart happy indeed.....:) Yesterday's adventure was indeed a blessing!

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