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Clarity remains and change.......

I was thinking of both of these yesterday.....clarity and change.......I had mentioned in my blog a few days ago that clarity came for me in a very clear way, a crucial way surrounding a life circumstance I had going on......and sometimes I had said that clarity comes and leaves......or doubt......denial......or a myriad of other ego states creep in to change or undo that clarity......but this time it has remained......and I am grateful for shows me I am on the right path......and the move I made was one that is going to lead to more peace, just more of all the things I want in my life.......and clarity makes everything so much easier......and maybe it is also a reminder to me to trust more when it comes.....and listen sooner to what it is saying and not wait until it comes to such a giant crossroads.....maybe....and then I thought that maybe "clarity" is just our inner wisdom, our intuition arriving in a tangible that we can feel in a more profound way?? is the voice inside of us that stands up with some proclamation for us to heed.....and that sorta resonated too....but all of that led me to thinking of change.....what does it take for a human to change?? Like really change? And why is it so hard for people to change in any real way......we all know that one person, or maybe a few who haven't really evolved at all, they have remained the same since we met them.....their life having plenty of circumstance that could have helped their evolution but yet they remain......and not just change that happens internally, or as a result of some tragic cosmic bump, but even just people wanting to change their lives.....get healthier......get successful in their a better get the humans I think we are inherently resistant to change......and I can relate so to that from my once upon a time life......I hated change.....hated when the tables were toppled, over and I had to regroup and craft another way......change made me uncomfortable......,poking my Taurean bull;-) and I think the breaking down of that inside of me happened during Covid......being thrown violently into so many situations that required such deep change.....changing how I I I related to the people I loved most......all of it......and then when he left it sealed the deal......throwing me out into the atmosphere to free fall......and it was SO uncomfortable initially......I remember vividly the discomfort......watching all the old being stripped away at the speed of entire life imploding.......but now I feel that I have acquired a taste for change......a comfort level with it in a way that is super satisfying.....I like it......and I have learned to adapt to change in so many I guess my point in all this is to maybe have you think of what clarity has visited you?? Have you listened to it?? If not maybe you should?? And maybe think of change a little differently.......maybe embracing it a little more......change is definitely the vehicle to the places we want to go.....or places we didn't know we wanted to go......or the places we need to go:) And whatever you are not are choosing..........powerful indeed:)

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