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Chiron and its wounded healing.......

I have written about Astrology from time to time in my blog and continue to love it....and as I learn more and more about it, the world makes more sense, and so does my life, and the lives of those around us......the divine lessons and energy that comes to find us, and helps us move our spirits forward.....and again I make it clear that Astrology does not replace or negate my sense of God and Jesus and the divine.... my faith is deep and wide......and spirituality is all encompassing for me, with many layers that feel seamlessly paired.....and all those pieces work in conjunction with one help propel us to the places we want to be......we have all seen the memes about Mercury Retrograde and its tricks;-) And Mercury Retrograde is in full swing right now, so if you are feeling some of that, you are not imagining it;-).....but there is also another part of that for me this month and it is with Chiron and the wounded healer energy that is coming through for me.....there is a Myth about Chiron being wounded and then offering healing.....and as the planet is concerned it brings us our pain to examine, and look at, and heal past....and I am definitely doing some healing this month.....on the heels of the eclipse, and the places it touched for me.....and this month I am working on my chapter for the collaborative book I am a part of....and digging deeper into my wounds some to heal them further.......and this kind of energy comes to support something like that.....and the planets spin and touch us all, just in different places in our lives.....and I am sifting through what is coming....just like writing about the leaf and the outstretched hand yesterday, and realizing more parts of my wound.....and making peace with it......I always marvel and find it profound the wounds that people can inflict on the people in their lives.....and not intentionally.....more often having nothing to do with the people they wound.....and having everything to do with their own unresolved wounds......remember it is hurt people who hurt the wounds just keep spinning .....I have often said my ex has not the slightest idea the depth of pain he caused me .....not even close....and even if I were to express it to him, my words could not convey that depth.....and he would not be able to fully understand or feel that.......and the only way, would be for him to experience it all. Which isn't possible.....That is our human way right? We don't get it till we do.....and then when we do it becomes a profound lesson.......I have an intimate relationship with my wound....not in a way that dwells....but in a way that examines it and works toward the healing and caring for it, as it continues to heal its layers.....and it scabbed over a long time ago.....and is healed in many many ways.....but there are still times it gets bumped and I am aware of how sore it is....shockingly so.....and then I know there is another layer to tend to, and show care to, examining what that soreness is trying to tell that I can heal more of it, and move on....and that is my goal every single be brave enough to stand in whatever pain finds me, and face it, and move on....running and hiding from healing is the worst thing a person can do......and doesn't just delays it all and makes us sick.....and I am not willing to give over anymore of my life to any of that sorta thing........besides the cracks in us is where the light gets in right:) Isn't that what they say? I tend to agree! Happy Friday:)

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