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Cheering the loudest!

This topic has interested me for awhile and inspired me to ponder it....and dig a little deeper, it is one of the things that has helped me tremendously.......somewhere along the way we are taught that it is not Ok to feel good about ourselves, and act like cheer for our acknowledge them and be proud of them.....and while being humble is absolutely important.....paramount even.....and being arrogant and bragging, well who wants anybody to do that;-) I think we need to give ourselves permission more often, and I think we should teach our children that it is OK for them to cheer for believe in themselves fiercely, and acknowledge their wins and losses.....and on the days they are cheering for themselves they should be doing so the LOUDEST! It is what breeds confidence.....and after all of this happened to me.....I had a few people that I found I could be myself with, and speak my truth, and they began to see stuff in myself that I didn't fully see, and then when I began to see it too, they gave me permission to acknowledge it and speak it aloud.....and I become more comfortable with accepting a compliment.....or being proud of the things I feel like I have done well.....and the hard work I have put in......and all of that is OK.....I am not sure where that notion goes awry as we grow......because most little kids are wildly confident before the world gets in.....and then you see the weight of the world take hold, and take some of that wind out of their sails.......I also think that when you finally accept that failure is a part of your journey too......then you can truly be FREE to be confident in the rest....connect to everything.....attach to nothing.....on I have become comfortable now with sharing the things I feel I have done right....and taking a moment to acknowledge that.....and also acknowledge the work I still need to do alongside that, and still feeling good about the other......not letting the fact that I still stumble or struggle, take away from the things I feel I have to cheer about......and when I work with women I work on this piece with them....having them acknowledge the amazing things about themselves...all they are doing so right......and cheering for themselves......I was so beaten down in the end of my marriage.....SO beaten so many ways, and for so many reasons.....and I allowed myself to believe all of that too at the time....and it was all a lie.....and I showed up in that lie and played my role....because it was the loudest voice in my life at the time....and I didn't have a voice of my own.....not fully anyway....and now I do.....and guess what, we are holding the pen! With the ability to write any story, or live in any story we want....not limited by any of it:) So today I seek to free you some if you are reading this! You can still be so humble and cheer for yourself.....they are not separate........and always believe in yourself like it is YOUR job.....because well it is:)

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