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Check, check, check!

May is intense.......the energy is lovely out there in the cosmos........but the deadlines are no joke;-).....we are getting out a little earlier from school this year due to less snow days, June 5th! And while that is also crunches the end of year stuff in a way that is many things to wrap up and do.....and I have a load of stuff in my own life pulling at me in the same way....oh and I threw applying for a home equity loan in the mix;-) However there is a part of me.....a pretty big one.....that enjoys this kind of multitasking frenzy and checking off the list, and using my skillset to accomplish that.....I thrive when I am under pressure and juggling pieces......not sure why.....but it is a place I have been many times.....and I kinda enjoy.....and I feel comfortable doing so......seeing if I can manage my time, and the things I need to do, and get it all done in the 11th hour! I keep thinking I need a planner book or something.....which is so not me lol:) I run most of it in my head, and keep track of it......although sometimes stuff falls through the cracks, but I can normally save it! Yesterday felt really good.....I got a lot done at work, lots fo deadlines there......and I also submitted the rest of my documents for my loan......and I sat last night when the kids were with their dad....and edited my chapter for the book and submitted it!!!!!!!!! That felt amazing:) was funny because i had written it a few weeks back......just let it pour from my heart and my fingertips.....and then left it....didn't reread it.....didn't do a thing.......and I waited....for the time that felt right to sit down and edit it, and add, and remove etc.....and last night was was about an hour and a half.....I needed to write 4,000 words and I wrote in the editing process that the editors do too it should be paired down exactly......not too shabby...:) and I marvel at the place writing has taken up in my life.....becoming a writer finally in this life......after having loved it all of my life......having words resonate deeply with me in every way......a love of language from the jump.....and I plan on finishing my own book, and pursuing that this summer too.....Amazon will publish books, I just read about that, so that is on my radar......I need to get more info on that is on my summer bucket list.....alongside my kitchen! Did I mention my kitchen is getting done!!!!!! :):):)We also booked our trip to Acadia with my parents! Can't wait for that in July:) I am still enjoying the feeling of this somebody opened the windows and let the air circulate......and movement and progress is mine! I will be working with the doctor I wrote about too with the weight loss clinic and coaching.....and am figuring that out, that begins in June:) And I feel like if I keep being consistent, keep showing up, keep being faithful and following my intuition......I will one day be sitting on the dock of my lakeside retreat center and breathing in the mountain air.....and oh what a moment that will be!!!!!!! I am here for it:):)

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