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Check this out! .........

So the other weekend when I felt another nudge toward a new direction, one that will meld beautifully with where I am headed as a life coach.......I found my way to this new guided meditation that confirmed some of it too, which was cool......I normally go on Youtube and pick some of the Mindful Movement meditations.......normally on abundance.....or creating the life you want.......or mindset ones.......but this one was specifically on manifesting.......and it was so great that I have been doing it all this week......and in the beginning the speaker of the meditation speaks on what has to happen to help you manifest your dreams......or really create the life you want.....a life that is intentional and in alignment with you and your highest self.......attracting things to you that are in line with that mindset......the first one is the power of visualizing.....really visualizing the life you want on a regular basis and with true intention.......the second is your focus and attention......whatever you give your focus and attention to true right?? What we feed each day becomes our existence........what we focus on in our lives, and what we stay committed to grows, no being mindful of what we are focusing on, what we are feeding, what we are putting our attention on, is a powerful tool in manifesting the life we want.....are we complaining? Being negative? Surrounding ourselves with other negative people? OR are we focusing on ourselves, and our goals, and crafting a positive mindset, no matter what......that is the matter what comes to hold steady to giving our focus and attention to light and bright things......not negativity.....the third principle she spoke of was our good feelings......following those......when we are in alignment our good feelings serve as road map to our purpose.......I truly believe that, because as of late, all of my intuition has come through my feeling good in certain spaces, with certain people, letting me know it is the right thing......we should be following our good feelings to our heart's desires, and if something is repeatedly giving us bad feelings or hurting us, we need to take a step back....and either switch our mindset if we can't change it......or rid our lives of it......simple but true.......the next is our imagination and our emotion.......imagination has been the basis of so many amazing inventions and ways of thinking, and our reality starts in our is created the mind and then in our reality.......and that is we need to feel what it is that we want in this life, spend time with it, feel how it feels to live the life we wish to live......immerse ourselves in it in our minds......before it comes forward into our reality......and the final piece is to take inspired action......inspired action being the ultimate form of movement......we have to take the steps to move us forward to the life we want.......take the opportunities that come fearlessly......take risks......follow the desires of our hearts and make a move that might scare us some, but will get us to where we need to be......or where we want to be in this in this meditation she talks beautifully about all of this and then leads you through a meditation where you step through a door, the door to your dream house (mine being my lakehouse;-) and you spend time walking around it.......and then you hear the door and your partner in this life steps through and you spend time in that space with them.......and then your friends and family come and you experience the joy and happiness of all of that......then finally you imagine the career and job you are doing.....doing something you that fulfills every part of you.....based on all of your unique characteristics.....and the entire meditative experience is such a powerful one.....such a lovely one, that it causes me to be able to integrate all of the above principles to create the experience in my mind......all of those principles are fairly well known, and I have heard of some of them before.....but I suppose this year has been the first time I have really been conscious of them and their presence in my life.......and recognized the power that they all bring......integrating them daily in my life......I suppose that is what happens when your comfort zone is left in the dust:) Happy to leave that zone behind and blaze a new one.......I am committed to living the life I want and working toward it every single day!

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