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Change your perspective.....change your life.....

I have mentioned that I am in a better spot emotionally now and overall in recent days....the dust is settling so to speak and I am feeling stronger each and every day.....I was thinking so much about perspective and how important it is.....when I see women like me feeling like they are worthless, and in need of a man, and are defining their worth by what their husbands did to them it makes me so sad......makes me feel so deeply for them and their experience......however the truth is I may have been just like them had this happened two plus years ago......the therapy I did for these two plus years was in an effort to strengthen our marriage and work toward a better future, a better me, however all those hours and therapy instead served to STRENGTHEN ME and help me SAVE MYSELF in the end:) Funny how that turn it allowed me to shift my perspective which changes your experience in this world.....I tell my class all the time what you believe you become.....and if you are feeling frustrated don't tell yourself you CAN'T shift it to I CAN! Your brain believes all the things you tell it........This applies to all of our lives.....we are all capable of rising above, of starting over, of telling ourself new things, of shifting our perspective and in the end it will pay off. We also should not be ashamed in any way to seek therapy to try and heal ourselves from all the wounded places in our soul, the places we accumulate along the way, the places that become the fabric of our lives.....I am so grateful that I am not just beginning therapy now.....trying to play catch up to mend my broken heart.....I got a HUGE head start because I chose to do see the value in did not end the way I wanted it to, the way I hoped it had when we had set out to do that......but it most certainly turned out the way it was supposed to be.....and I was meant to be this version of me to stand in this storm not the version of me two plus years ago.....and I continue to go to therapy to learn and grow and work on the new broken pieces so that I can heal and keep the perspective I have been given going to sustain me on the road ahead......changing your perspective most definitely changes your life.........

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