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Challenging excuses......

Excuses feel good right.....they are easy to make....they roll right off our tongues.....they feel cozy, valid.....true even......It is in the moment when we muscle past our excuses that our best life happens.....the moment when we tell ourself an excuse either aloud or in our mind and we challenge it.....I have gotten way better at that......and challenging myself on what I am not doing, that I want to be doing.....and I have talked about self limiting beliefs many times before.....but as I typed that, I just had a thought that self limiting beliefs come masquerading as excuses......Like for instance all the years I believed "I didn't have time to exercise" That was a limiting belief deep inside, one of worth, and of choosing me, and how uncomfortable that made me, masquerading as a socially appropriate excuse.......if you say that excuse in front of a bunch of women, they will agree and it will go into maybe a joke about all of the things they have to do etc etc, and soon everyone is laughing at the prospect that a mom could possibly exercise everyday and still be a good mom.......absurd right??? but here is the is the leveraging of our time.....of putting something down, something that isn't serving us.....and picking up something more valuable in its place......was listening to how detrimental the snooze button is to somebody's entire day.....forcing you back into a weird sleep that just depletes you for the rest of the day....and let's be honest those snooze sleeps aren't helping us......I have had snooze parts of my life.....many times and get it totally.........but I don't now..........but by eliminating two or three rounds of snooze you have instantly given yourself an extra 20 minutes in your wake up at 4:15 most days and get out of bed at 4:30, I sacrifice some things......I don't stay up late anymore......I go to sleep between 8:30 and 9 sometimes earlier if it has been a long day....and so do my kids.....and that is how I found that time by putting one thing down, and trading it.....knowing I still need a good amount of sleep but need to wake up if I were married or with somebody....that bedtime may be problematic.....and I will adjust when and if that day comes.....finding something else to shift to make sure I can make it all work......putting something down or moving it around, but make excuses about putting myself last I won't do.....not ever again.....I had a litany of excuses in my old life that felt so justified about my taking care of everyone else around me to the detriment of my entire is the thing though.......I still take really great care of my kids in this new life but I take care of me too, laying down all those excuses for good:)

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