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Challenges abound.....

So when I speak to anybody or to myself and I am discussing a "problem" I have consciously switched that word to challenge. Have done that for a long time, it feels better somehow, and seems more accurate right? We face lots of challenges in life. And boy oh boy those challenges abound in different seasons of our lives? I feel like right now I have some challenges stepping forward, pushing me to grow and expand my awareness of my limits. My first day of school was one of the most challenging of my career. I have nearly 30 kids. I am masked, and some of these kids haven't been in school for a year, or online, or and the list goes on. They are super sweet and fun kids, and I can't wait to get to know them all better. And I know I will find my groove, but in this moment it feels like another enormous mountain to climb.......amid a global pandemic......amid my divorce.....amid finding my way in my new life, and raising my own kids, and trying to keep them safe, happy, and yeah challenging is a word that has become a staple in my vocabulary!;-) But on the other side of the coin I may in fact be a "challenge junkie".......I sort of like meeting a new challenge and seeing my way on the other side. There is great satisfaction in accomplishing something that maybe at one time you deemed in the moments in us where our brave steps forward, or our grit, or our determination and says to our hearts, "hey we got this"......there is power in that space! True power......And most of the time it is our mindset that needs to get straight and sometimes that is all we need.....if you believe you can or you believe you can't, you are right in both instances....tell my class that all the time......and it is true. I also tell them all the time it is ok not to know but not ok not to try......I believe that too, so meeting challenges is a part of our lives. Finding our way through them is part of the magic of our lives, even though sometimes we wish those challenges were not there at in the spaces where we get to catch our breath in our lives is equally as important, to prepare for the times where our limits are pushed. The challenges I have up ahead both personally and professionally have the potential in every way to threaten my peace and happiness, every single day. But I also have the choice, the choice to meet them all with a positive mind, hope in my heart and a smile on my face, every single day! It is a new day and I am ready :)

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