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Challenge then change.......

I have a sign in my workout room that says "if it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you......" and every time I look at it it so many ways....the things that challenge us most in life are the things with the most power to radically change our lives....I had the best workout yesterday after I dropped Mads at has been a little bit since that.....the craziness and busyness of the end of year had modified my workout some, and I needed to leverage some of it.....and I felt it......but now that summer is here, I have big plans and fitness goals to accomplish.....and I pushed myself hard yesterday....and it felt great....and the truth is we are the only ones that can push ourselves, like that.....and it is always worth choose to be uncomfortable and grow..... I also set out toward my nutrition goal for the summer....I took the kids grocery shopping, and we filled up on healthier options for all of us intentionally....the kids enjoyed picking stuff that they love that is healthy too....I found these clean protein bars that I really love...and I for sure need more food on hand now that Gabe is home for the, and the kids have hit a growth spurt and are starving........I know you can all relate! And some weeks I have had to modify the food budget some and get by with a little less.....and Mads was marveling that we had a super full fridge, more than full, and we are stocked for now for sure:)....and that felt good.....they are with me through the weekend....Mads still has school the next two weeks....and my plan is to work on stuff around here...we get to camp at her school next Friday for one of her projects she is doing...that will be fun to today my plan is to tackle chores all day hard, and get another great workout in.....and a run....and gear up for the weekend....power washing....a graduation party with some great friends....and meeting with the contractor.....I also have some business stuff I am working on next week too which is exciting....the building of that needing to be intentional and consistent too....and I guess ultimately it is always the awareness that what we water is what we are is so powerful and cannot be said enough.....we need to intentionally turn our attention away from the stuff that doesn't nurture our lives, and focus on the stuff that does.....on repeat.....excited to be productive and make the head way I want to today! Happy Friday :)

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