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Catching up...

This weekend was about just that....Gabe had a pretty bad cold and wanted to stay home again from his dad's house, and we decided to reschedule their weekend till next weekend when both of them can since we were homebound due to his not feeling well I made the best of it....did so much laundry.....organized Gabe's clothes....cleaned the house....picked up groceries....and yesterday took Gabe to Urgent Care and then tackled the outside and got to leaf blowing.....SO many leaves.....and the truth be told, leaf blowing is my least favorite "man chore" lol:) that is the term I have coined for my new list of chores since my marriage had been very gender specific in tasks....I did the "she stuff" and he did the "he stuff " and now all of the stuff is the "me stuff!" And sometimes I get bogged down as a single mom keeping up on all of it, while working, building my business, and juggling it all, but I was thinking about it all as I was leaf blowing yesterday....and the thing is there really is no point in lamenting in it when it comes up, not for too long anyway;-) because the truth is I am able bodied, and strong enough to do what I need to, and wow is that a blessing, the most important one.......and while I feel burdened by this big house I am in on my own....another HUGE blessing.....pun intended lol;-) and I also have an amazing leaf blower that does a great it occurred to me there is nothing to complain about, not in a real sense.....and it is the feeling that I am reacting to.....I think......the feeling of having to get it done perhaps? Looking at the tons of leaves, and thinking that has to get done and if it is going to get done I am on deck:) My dad came up and helped me get the blower going and he brought some of my stuff off my deck for me and into my shed, which I was so appreciative of! So I blew nearly all of them.....have a little more to do today.....I am staying home with Gabe, and plan on mowing one final time and mulching what is there, and checking it off my list before the snow comes;-) And the other gift of all the "ME chores" is the confidence it has brought into my life and on this journey.....proving to myself that I can do it, and it may not seem like much to some people.....and that is OK.....the only person it needed to feel that way to is is one of the recommendations I make to my clients, to tackle as much as they can on their own....not defaulting to an ex to come and do stuff for them.....and since my situation was such that that was never an forced me to learn to live on my own....right away.....and do all of it on my is the way for I have learned A LOT.....had to do A LOT....and will remain grateful not burdened....making that appreciate the gifts I have been given to walk my walk.....the necessary tools and all of it! I am hoping this week is a little less crazy than the last few;-) Mads to school, getting my boy better, and finishing up my chores is on deck today, oh and report cards.....those too lol:) Have a great Monday y'all:)

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