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Can you feel it??????

I was thinking of all of this when I shoveled yesterday.....feeling grateful for only a few inches to contend with:) and I have been feeling a big shift in the energy out there.....I think we can all relate some to the heavy energy we waded through during part of the fall and the was intense.........there was some heavier planetary influence then, astrologically speaking;-) and there has been a real shift as of late......For me I felt like the flood gates opened and my creative juices began flowing again........and stuff that felt a little stuck started to move forward. I feel energetic, lighter, inspired, and just overall better in now that I am aware of the shifts and my body understands it, I always check in with my astrology friend to confirm.....and the feelings I have been feeling have been confirmed in the stars....both collectively and individually........and it is exciting.......all the planets are retrograde until mid the energy should be smoother and easier to ride for us all! I plan on taking full advantage of the buoyancy I feel right now......just motivated, inspired, energetic, and ready for whatever comes next! And you should do the same;-) this planetary shift is a lovely one.....and I was also thinking deeply, while shoveling, lol:)....about how all the components of my spirituality are not separate of one another......I don't have a God spot and a Universe spot.......or an astrology spot.......or a meditative spot.......or a communing with nature spot.......they are all very much integrated in my heart and soul and mind........and there is a place to believe in it all.......just like I believe we have a symphony playing in the background of our lives......with the key instruments and notes taking their turn......I believe the universe is the same......a well oiled.....magnificent......divinely timed process that takes place in the lives of us all.......and that the planets are sort of like our guiding instruments given to us by God, and divinely placed at all the right times to lead us and influence that journey......and if we can look at it without fear, and embrace what comes we can be free to journey unencumbered.....I was also realizing that beyond the strengthening of my faith during this time, understanding and learning about astrology and the planetary influences and their impact and lessons, has helped me so much to surrender to it again step outside of worry and fear and just trust.....and I think back to the beginning of all of this and how the fear of making the wrong decision in regards to some issues plagued me......and now I know there isn't such a thing....that the key is to listen to your inner intuition and move in your life in that space....that I say all of this and it ended up being more than I planned on lol:) to encourage you to pay closer attention to how you FEEL in the day to day......and pay attention to the shifts......and most definitely take advantage of this lighter energy that has found us all and use it to chase whatever dream you are dreaming:)

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