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Breathing deeply.......

It was a great weekend.....I hosted my mom and dad, and my brother and sister in law for dinner yesterday, and was happy to do it:) It is fun to cook for grown ups;-) and we had a really nice time.....and Saturday after Gabe's baseball game I came home and mowed and cleaned up the lawn some.....and I began to feel overwhelmed as I walked around and saw all there is to do as spring has sprung.....and I am just breathing deeply through it all.....knowing I will figure out a way to get it all done....I only have three weeks and three days of school left.....and deadlines abound.....but I am tackling them one by one....piece by piece......and moving toward being where I need to be.......My students completed all of their end of year data measures, and did amazing on all of it, so I can breathe through that and sit back and relax in all of that......and I am doing some coaching tonight after work which I always love.....never feels like work! But it is not easy to have all the responsibility, all of the time.....and all of the chores and tasks alone.....and most of the time I don't sweat it....and I feel really capable in it all....but every once in awhile the magnitude settles in, and it feels a little overwhelming.....and I think that is where I am right now.....knowing I have to stain my deck before I can set it up....and have more yard work waiting on me....and A LOT of cleaning out to do here.....I really need to fill another dumpster.......and sell some stuff.....and my kid's bedrooms.....good grief lol:) They have so much stuff that needs to be cleaned out and organized and revamped......and really I am grateful for the summer coming and the time and space to do all of that and more.....but I need to put my blinders on till home equity loan should be wrapping up this week.....and then I can make a plan to begin that, and hope summer's end finds me having coffee in my new kitchen and cooking something up;-) And continually working on building my business, and the new opportunities that have stepped forward.....I also want to be intentional about going on some weekly adventures with my kids over the summer....planning our fun stuff we do amid the work/chore stuff.....we are headed to Acadia in July! I cannot wait:) And things are still moving along with my new friend......we are planning our next adventure this life is full, and beautiful, and a little stressful lol:) But blessed.....and I know as long as I tackle one thing, one day, one chore, one step at a time, I will always land right where I am supposed to be! :) Happy Monday! Go slay the day:)

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