My new journey has come with a new level of bravery and courage needed.......and I remember how hard it was to summon my brave against so much in the beginning......battling the mistreatment and bullying I was receiving at the hands of my ex and his girlfriend after he left, and the emotional turmoil......and the mediations......and the divorce.....and just so much of so much.....and it was way out of my wheelhouse.....I had to start to develop thicker skin.....and I did..........and now I continue to be asked to be brave......standing in my truth and my authenticity, and not allowing others to rattle my cage, or bravely putting myself out there each day as I grow my business, and go my way in the world.....but taking a leap and purchasing some books, taking a financial leap in the hopes that it would pay off, was another act of bravery. To put myself out there......allowing for the possibility of rejection.....or a lack of support......and that is not what happened:) The support for the book has been many amazing words and sentiment flowing my way.....and I have enough people already purchasing the book from me to make my investment worthwhile.....and it touches my heart really....and it reminds me that the only way to live this life is to BE go big or go home.....and I guess when you are no longer subject to the opinions or judgement of others in the same way it allows for you to freely do that.....I trust that I have established a reputation for myself where people know who I am and what I stand for and have decided whether they want to support that or not:) I am also being brave in love at the moment too......putting my heart out there and trusting it all..........And the truth is......sometimes I have to be braver than I want to be.....there are facets of this story that require that......but when I meet myself in that space, and stand up and do the thing I am scared to do, amazing things happen:) And it strengthens my resolve to do that more.....So my plan is to continue to be brave, and sell out of my books and remain eternally grateful for the support I have received.... it has been extraordinary, and I am feeling so blessed indeed:) THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!