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Bliss Matters

Bliss is a great word isn't it? It gives such a connotation when you read or speak it......but it is a simple thing just means perfect happiness; great joy. And the moments that bliss comes to find us in our lives are so powerful.....and I have been thinking and reading some things that lean toward us looking for bliss more often......not waiting for it to just show up......not chasing it with futility......but really making it happen for ourselves.......because really most moments can be blissful if we slow more present.......and look for the bliss........I have learned on my journey that bliss can be found in simple moments......simple things......created around us as mindfulness takes hold.....the world we live in is created in our mind first......and then is projected around us.......I believe that to be true.......I don't say that to blame anybody for negative experiences, or the challenges that find them...I just say that as an awareness that our feelings and thoughts about things, become what makes our life at any given moment feel good or we get to decide how it will be.......or more importantly how it feels......blissful even......last night I visited with friends on my deck and dinner......we laughed and chatted and talked deep, real talk, my favorite, and had a nice dinner and a few drinks......and it was bliss......just being in the moment and enjoying it all......I decorated for fall yesterday......I know I am one of those;-) and bliss was also found there.........I chatted with another friend yesterday and found some there.........found out this morning my kids had a great night at their dad's house.....bliss was found there point is we can attach whatever we wish to our moments......and make them any way we see fit......and we should I think be conscious of that power......and following our bliss.....there are so many people around me that are following their bliss these days.....doing the things that light them up.....have met so many people like that......people I did not know in my old life and am grateful to know now......inspired by their willingness to follow their bliss........while I was laying in the ultrasound room waiting for them to give me my results on Friday......I sought some bliss out, and did a quick meditation practice that I have found helpful......and a mantra.....and right there even in that uncertain moment was a moment of peace and contentment leaving me feeling a flicker of that bliss......I am committed to following mine and finding it wherever I am able for all of my is everywhere truly:) Hope you all have a terrific Sunday and follow your bliss to wherever it takes you too:)

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