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Best laid plans....

Well my plans of yesterday, second date ones, did not work due to sickness coming to foil it on his end......lots of crud our next plan will be in two weeks when the kids see their dad again, and we will continue to get to know each other better in the meantime:) We Facetimed last week too when the kids were with their dad on Wednesday, so that may be in order too:) It is my birthday weekend that weekend too, so we talked about some fun plans......and I was disappointed some since I was looking forward to it, and so was he, and my window of time is so small, but really I just knew that was the way it was supposed to be.....nothing to be done......accept and understand:) and instead I spent a day doing nothing......just absolutely chores were caught up, and I didn't have anything calling to me....and I needed it.....I even took a nap:) I also needed to rest up for the week is going to be a full moon in Scorpio on Tuesday, and Mercury Retrograde ends by the 25th and this is the last super funky week before May and June finds us in better vibes:) Looking forward to that! I feel so accomplished to have gotten that chapter on the screen......and well under way for my May 15th deadline.....and I am slowly ticking off my to do list marching myself to my last day of school on June 5th! I am excited to have a longer summer this year, and have lots to accomplish in that span of time, and I am still getting the plans in order to get my kitchen done. All good stuff coming down the pike.....this school year has been the fastest one I have ever doubt.....each week speeding by, full of long days and short weeks.....and it was my 20th Bushkill.....hard to believe.....that deserves some celebration:) And my plan for now may be to ride out the rest of my career in teaching, 13 years or so...... and doing my life coaching alongside of it and growing it, and then in my retirement have that piece in play, as well as my lake side retreat during summers for now one of these years soon and then in retirement.....for now that seems to make sense.....but it may change....depending on how things go, and I am open to that possibility as well, and know that I will know either way.....the kids had a good weekend.....they went to a waterpark for the night and enjoyed.....Mads has some concerns and valid feelings about some stuff she shared with me.....stuff she wants me to address and I am mulling that over.....and thinking on the best way to approach it.....and I just am so grateful she feels safe to talk to me......I held her and assured her it would all work out......I am sure her dad and his girlfriend are not aware of what Mads is picking up on or feeling and I am hoping it can be easily solved....but is not my favorite position to be giving it time and space to breathe is best.....and trusting the best approach will find me.....I am going to get a good workout in this morning and get this crazy week going! Happy Monday:)

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